La Lune Trop Pale
It is a lonly feeling not having anywhere to go on New Year's Eve. I mean, we have had a party here for the past few years and I have been able to have some people over. But now it comes to my senior year. and really Iguess it shouldn't matter very much, I mean it is just like any other night isn't it. With a shit load of fireworks and a bunch of drunk people stumbling around making resolutions they won't fill. But somehow it matters. Somehow this night, I want to be with people I care about, people I love, people I am going to live my life with around me. Somehow, I am not able to do that. There are so many people that I want to spend time with this year because I am not going to see them anymore at UofM. I am suprised how few people are going to UofM. I'm sure I'll make friends, but nobody can replace some of the amazing friends I have now.
I guess I will just count last night as my New Year's Eve. I had my people over last night, but it's not the same. Don't get me wrong last night is one of the best times I have had in a while sharing laughs with some great guys, but certain people make or break a night and tonight just won't be made I guess. No amount of fireworks is going to lighten up my mood I suppose. Writing about it probably doesn't help either.
Just the fact that I wasn't invited anywhere, and everyone that I call to try and come and watch a movie or two with me and like one other person is in the most unlikely of places, or having a murder mystery party.
You win some you lose some I suppose. I just didn't think I would lose tonight.
Happy Fucking New Year
caresse l'opale de tes yeux blases
And you called it news
I came upon an article written for CNN titled "Report: TV ads strongly influence kids' diet" on December 6, 2005. Among other things, this article stated the kind of influence that TV and movie characters such as 'Spongebob Squarepants' and 'Shrek' have on te nutrition decisions of children under 12. This report didn't come as a suprise to me, it seems to be all that is on TV these days, ofcourse besides despondant habitat bound matrons. Although this report was intriguing, it had not fufilled my hunger for child fattening TV related associations, if you don't mind my insinuation.
After a little searching, I stumbled upon another article, this time from the Times paper in the UK titled: CHILDREN’S JUNK FOOD ADVERTS FACE TV BAN" .I am going to let this portion of the article speak for itself.
Professor Gerard Hastings, of Strathclyde University’s centre for social marketing, found that children’s television advertising was dominated by promotions for sugary breakfast cereals, soft drinks, sweets, savoury snacks and fast food outlets. Other influences on children’s eating were product sponsorship, free food, gifts or tokens, packaging, and promotions linked to films, television programmes and computer games.I am very glad that this important information is reaching places all over the world and we are trying to get do something about this problem...
He found that many young children, especially those aged under eight, were confused by the powerful advertising messages. Children were unable, for instance, to tell if soft drinks and cereals contained real fruit. There was also evidence that Saturday morning television advertisements had a direct impact on what children wanted to buy when they went shopping with a parent. Professor Hastings acknowleged that so-called pester power was an important factor in the marketing concepts behind the advertisements.
....wait a minute. what was the date of the second one? oh yeah Friday, 26 September 2003!!!! hold on! the article stating that TV was influencing and confusing children in nutritional decisions was written and distributed 3 YEARS before the one on CNN? so that means we haven't really done anything about it except look at it and say, "oh that is a problem!" We are such a productive society, as we sit around and look at it in the TV, or children are eating shit and becoming larger than the 72 inch flat panel plasma TVs they are watching them on. Well, what can I say, if we enter a new ice age and have to resort to cannibalism, we aren't going to run out of lamp oil.
Sorry, that was kinda harsh. Fine that was really harsh, but I guess if people want to kill themselves, its fine with me.
Objection your Honor:
"You can't preface your second point with 'firstly"
I get upset when people talk about how they judge other people. I can't stand it when people say "stop judging me". I can't stand it when people say that they are not judgemental.
Just Stop Talking
Of course you are judgemental. Think of the root of this word Judge. To judge, as is defined by the fourth edition of the American Heritage dictionary, is to form an opinion or evaluation. So yes you are judgemental. Otherwise you have no opinion. and I honestly think that everyone has some mental process of thought.
The other thing that bugs me about ourselves is that when we learn something new, we try and fit it into what we already know. For example, meeting a new person. You first try and fit the person into a category or relate them to other people you know and even to yourself. After time however, you begin to from a new category for this person. I just dislike the process. I think it is a little .... judgemental...not really.
Knowledge is.....
Isn't it amazing how we are the best people who know ourselves. Nobody can know us better. And such is that you can not know someone else better than yourself. So when you think of another person, they give you only a fraction of themselves and you just go ahead and fill in the spaces. It's a real shame that we can't just completely know another person...but that really isn't our fault is it.
So each time you meet someone, you take a first impression of them. I am using X as an example.
I meet X in, say a cafe. I automatically assume that X likes this place and consumes beverages or food at such place. I also make an assumption about their wardrobe based on what they are wearing. Next, I begin to talk a little and learn what X likes and does with its time.
About this time, I notice strange things they do, like never look right at me for a very long time. Hmm that's strange, I think. "Sorry, but I need to get going," I say, "it was nice meeting you. Let's do this again sometime." Of course I don't leave a number or contact information. X knows my name. If they really want they can find me, I know I will find them.
I'm so hopeless.
Believe it or Not
Everyone believes in something. There is never a time in your life that you are without a belief. In fact, people just can't wait to tell other people what it is that they believe. "I believe in telling other people what I believe." You see, humans are talkative, and we need other people to know that we aren't all just bar stools waiting to be sat upon. So we believe. Honestly, I don't see any other reason for us to take a position on any topic except to prove that I am different than you are. You say that I look good in green, I say that I look good in red. You say that our war on terror is going well, I say that I would rather see the soldiers home and in good health.
Look at it this way, if we all agreed on the same things, the universe would cease to exist. Simple as that. See, it all starts by all of us agreeing that we agree on everything. Which is then followed by "hot" topics like homosexuality and abortion laws, which are of course ruled, in favor of everyone, unanimously. Talks then proceed to other countries. The world ends up deciding on the best way to run itself and lives in harmony with amazingly expanded fields in science and philosophy. Then some morning, every philosopher agrees that since they can't prove that they are any different from each other, they are all the same person. We will call herm (him + her = herm), being every human in existence of course, Dana (because it is used on both sexes). So Dana also begins to think about the universe, and how it compares to herm and herms world. Dana realizes that since shhe (she +he = shhe) agrees that the universe is both expanding and contracting, it is standing still. Unfortunately, that calls for a new theory on universe creation. This is easily done considering Dana's mass efficiency in doing...Anything. So it is stated that A long time ago, many small people called 'hyumens' came together and agreed to set aside their differences and work towards common goals. Dana is the result. In the end, Dana agrees on all matters concerning anything from bananas to lipstick, to stars, to high heels. Unfortunately, Dana is unable to prove that shhe is an animate object because there is nether to tell herm so. So, Dana turns into a barstool and there shhe sits....Waiting....for a butt.
Well, I believe many things.
I believe that self-perception is mostly influenced by other people
I believe that women think too much
and I believe that people are naturally blind and close-minded
but then again, I also didn't believe that I would spend 26.5 minutes writing a completely pointless story when I need the just think of the possibilities!
Excuse Me
We live in a world of excuses. "the trafific was bad, my mom made me _______, My car wouldn't start." We arrive at a place knowing that no matter what we say or do, we are still running 14 minutes behind. No words are going to make up for the time we have missed. That time is gone. Never to be seen again. The only thing you are doing with an excuse is taking up more time when you are already at a loss of time.
As people, we talk too much anyway. we always know something is happening, but we are always managed to be talked out of it. We hear too much and listen too little. plus we will say anything to get out of something we don't want to do. Im too tired, im too confused, im too dumb. ironically, all of those staements infer that you are overoccupied with one thing to do another. "too" much, "too" little , "too" big, "too" small. we never get it just right. it is never enough.
Just let it go.
Finish the though yourself , i don't want to type anymore......
I am too tired
; )
You Know Sometimes You Just Want to Buy a Tea Towel
Trust. It is something that is earned. Earning trust has been a lifelong mystery for some people and not remotly achievable for others. What has always bugged me is how trust is formed. Because trust isn't really formed. Trust is the confinidence in another person that they will do what you want them to when you want them to. Or well, I guess it is less what you want them to and more of them not doing what you dont want them to do. Either way, trust is nothing of substance. It is comepletely made up in the mind and it is one of the first things that is created in an infant's head. Trust is something both wonderfull when fufilled and terrible when betrayed. It can hurt more than torture and feel better than sex. Tust is a drug.
Trust is forged through adversity. When any form of risk is involved in a situation, it creates a crucible that forges the recations and responses of others to the situation at hand, and turns it into either trust or mistrust.
We all have the choices. When it comes down to it, we choose everything that is important. The only thing that is important is what we decide for ourselves. No matter what anyone else thinks of us, we are still who we are if we decide to be.
"They can not take away our self respect if we do not give it to them." -Mahatma Ghandi
So it is our choice how to act in a race that needs other people. A race where we need trust in other people. A person alone is very weak. If there was only one human with the power to reproduce without needing another human, she wouldn't survive. Alone the mind is weak and susceptible to manipulation. Or will she? Is it her choice to have a weak mind? Can the lack of people, the lack of self-objectivism make her feel she doesn't exist? The answer to that particular question, I feel we will never know.
Since that situation is a bit radical we all still have choice. Choice of letting people take our pride, dignity, and self-respect. The trick is to learn how to stop that.
How is that done? What does it take to hold enough trust and confidence within yourself to take such responsibility for your actions. To truly be self sufficient?
“Funny You Should Ask”
April 12, 1999
Rick Reilly
Sports Illustrated
So we were lying on our backs on the grass in the park next to our hamburger wrappers, my 14-year-old son and I, watching the clouds loiter overhead, when he asked me, “Dad, why are we here?”
And this is what I said.
“I’ve thought a lot about it, son, and I don’t think it’s all that complicated. I think maybe we’re here just to teach a kid how to bunt, turn two and eat sunflower seeds without using his hands.
“We’re here to pound the steering wheel and scream as we listen to the game on the radio, 20 minutes after we pulled into the garage. We’re here to look all over, give up and then find the ball in the hole.
“We’re here to watch, at least once, as the pocket collapses around John Elway, and it’s fourth-and-never. Or as the count goes to 3 and 1 on Mark McGwire with bases loaded, and the pitcher begins wishing he’d gone on to med school. Or as a little hole you couldn’t get a skateboard through suddenly opens in front of Jeff Gordon with a lap to go.
“We’re here to wear our favorite sweat-soaked Boston Red Sox cap, torn Slippery Rock sweatshirt and the Converses we lettered in, on a Saturday morning with nowhere we have to go and no one special we have to be.
“We’re here to rake on a jack-high nothin’ hand and have nobody know it but us. Or get in at least one really good brawl, get a nice shiner and end up throwing an arm around the guy who gave it to us.
“We’re here to shoot a six-point elk and finally get the f-stop right, or to tie the perfect fly, make the perfect cast, catch absolutely nothing and still call it a perfect morning.
“We’re here to nail a yield sign with an apple core from half a block away. We’re here to make our dog bit on the same lame fake throw for the gazillionth time. We’re here to win the stuffed bear or go broke trying.
“I don’t think the meaning of life is gnashing our bicuspids over what comes after death but tasting all the tiny moments that come before it. We’re here to be the coach when Wendell, the one whose glasses always fog up, finally makes the only perfect backdoor pass all season. We’re here to be there when our kid has three goals and an assist. And especially when he doesn’t.
“We’re here to see the Great One setting up behind the net, tying some poor goaltender’s neck into a Windsor knot. We’re here to watch the Rocket peer in for the sign, two outs, bases loaded, bottom of the career. We’re here to witness Tiger’s lining up a 22-foot double breaker to win and not need his autograph afterward to prove it.
“We’re here to be able to do a one-and-a-half for our grandkids. Or to stand at the top of our favorite double-black on a double-blue morning and overhear those five wonderful words: ‘Highway’s closed. Too much snow.’ We’re here to get the Frisbee to do things that would have caused medieval clergymen to burn us at the stake.
“We’re here to sprint the last 100 yards and soak our shirts and be so tired we have to sit down to pee.
“I don’t think we’re here to make SportsCenter. The really good stuff never does. Like leaving Wrigley at 4:15 on a perfect summer afternoon and walking straight into Murphy’s with half of section 503. Or finding ourselves with a free afternoon, a little red 327 fuel-injected 1962 Corvette convertible and an unopened map of Vermont’s backroads.
“We’re here to get the triple-Dagwood sandwich made, the perfectly frosted malted-beverage mug filled and the football kicked off at the very second your sister begins tying up the phone until Tuesday.
“None of us are going to find ourselves on our deathbeds saying, ‘Dang, I wish I’d spent more time on the Hibbings account’. We’re going to say, ‘That scar? I got that scar stealing a home run from Consolidated Plumbers!’
“See, grown-ups spend so much time doggedly slaving toward the better car, the perfect house, the big day that will finally make them happy when happy just walked by wearing a bicycle helmet two sizes too big for him. We’re not here to find a way to heaven. The way is heaven. Does that answer for question?”
And he said, “Not really, Dad.”
And I said, “No?”
And he said, “No, what I meant is, why are we here when Mom said to pick her up 40 minutes ago?”
Building off of the 13th. High School is about academic courseds to prep for college. But! I think it serves a better purpose. Going though so many years of school while we mature into (sometimes not so mature) adults. There is so much we learn about ourselves in high school. I am just disapointed that more people don't take it seriously.
I am loving phsycologyI think the best skill to have is to be able to understand people. It can help so much in the future. People skills people skills people skilss. Yeah yeah yeah. MAybe I should write a song.
I better go, time for marching band
I am going to be chaing the template soon. It will be really akward for a while with false links and yuckyness.
So I woke up this morning and turn the TV on to find the new reality TV show that had to do with making a horror film. It dawned upon me today that one of the best places to see an unreserved human mind is on this show. The best part is you learn how to handle these crazy people. One of the directors really shows a lot of the things I have read and learned in different places about leadership and about getting things done. As weird as it sounds, I think this is one of the best reality shows yet because I get to see how to manage and work with these kinds of people. Plus, I get to see how to handle myself when I act like some of the really really strange people on that show. It is kind of funny to watch and yet, at the same time slightly enlightening.
Its kind of funny when people apologize (because everyone does it) for not posting on their online journal. Who are they apologizing to? for what cause? Is somebody really that upset that they aren't posting? If they are that intereseted in their lives, why dont they acctually talk to them? Humans just work like that I guess, they don't want to do things for themselves, they start a journal because someone else wants them too, and writes a little and then doesn't for a bit. Then its sorry I haven't been writing, an apology to their imaginary public. They don't want to write because they want to. They are writing because somebody else wants them too.
I can't critisize too much though because im asking people to write stories with me.
haha oh well
I have realized that the only reason I take academic courses in high school is so that I will be accepted into a good university. High school is just a place to go and learn elementray principles. College begins the journey into the work force and into life. Until then, we are sheltered little giraffes pretending to do important things.
The problem is that to grow, to take the journeys on which our growth is predicted, we must confront our own immaturity, self-ishness, and lack of courage. In a sense, our life is about a forceful, often overpowering need to take journeys, yet our tendency is to grip the swings ever more tightly. The decisions we make about our journeys determine how our self is aligned with our surrounding environment.
Excerpt from Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn
The more and more I read, the more and more amazed I become when groups and organizations are able to come together and work as teams on their own. The conditions and the people are just right where amazing things happen. There is a job, a paying job that a person can have, to go in and fix companies and groups that are slowly deteriorating or just to get groups started right. Yet we do it everyday without help and we don't even know it. So wherever you go, in school or in the work place or at home, no matter how little or often it happens, cherish those moments because you did something amazing.
People from other countries always tend to humble and embarrass me. I agree that people shouldn't treat the person special. But it would be so hard to me if I was in say, Spain and spoke little Spanish. I just think it is so wired. I need to do that some time. Being in a completely foreign place and not speaking a lot of the language.
You're a Trumpet. Biggest balls in the band.
What is your inner musical instrument?
brought to you by Quizilla
That zombie movie got me thinking. How would the world respond to such an attack? Would we really hole up and be overtaken by greed? Shouldn't we be more worried about survival? Aren't humans such funny creatures. I mean, we can hardly deal with members of our species that are slightly different than us. When other animals can take in other species.
So, the main problem is our ability to reason. Such that we can convince ourselves that we are right. We convince ourselves that we need certain things and that we can not live without certain things. When in reality it is only comfort we desire. But why do we even want that. We didn't need comfort in the ice age. We needed food. Well, food is readily provided now. So what do we need? Hmm, water too obviously, it. So, to live what else do we need? Physically, I think we need nothing. Psychologically, however, we need alot more.
First off, we need other people. I was introduced to the concept of selfobjectivism a couple weeks ago. The idea that a person needs other people to view them so they know that they exist. For, when they look at an inanimate object, it doesn't look back. It doesn't talk oor judge you. When you look at another person however, and interact, you know that you exist. So simply put, without other people, many people would cease to exist in their own mids. I'm not sure what happens to them then.
Next, I think that people need to feel like they are living for something. Anything. Because in this day of reason. we don't live to hunt or live for the next day, we need to make a reason to live. Some people don't have reasons, they just live.
This reminds me of a funny conversation I had with my Dad. We were talking about what if a person couldn't read. A person might say, "How can they live with that?" I don't know, but they do. They wake up in the morning, hopefully eat at some point, do something in the day, and go to bed at night, only to wake up the next morning.
Wierd thought. Are we the only creature on the planet that can convince ourselves that we don't have a reason to live. Yes. Becuase no other animal needs a reason to live. They live to live. I wish that humans could live to live. Unfortunatly, everything leads to more questions. what does live to live mean. I just think it means, live for what you need. and the only way we can do that in this world is to trabajamos a vivir. Work to live. Otherwise, we are just making reasons for us to live. Acctualy, I think that was a factor in the starting of religion. Besides explaining the unexplainable. Anciet Japan (I think it was) is my favorite. How somebelieved the island was on the back of a turtle or a catfish or something. And when it got angry, it shook making earthquakes. But I think that some people just need reasons to live.
I have what I need. I don't need to worry about that at this point in my life. So what is my part? I think my part should be to make things better. Leave everything better than I found it. For the future depends on the actions of the present. It is my choice and responsibilty to either change the world now, or help the peopole of today and future people of tomorrow help to make the world better.
One idea that i have been working on was like a high school small business internship program. Isn't that the most risky investmentof all. Other people. I mean, dollar values go up and down, but everyday we invest in people. In promisies and friendships. In teachings and favors. We invest in each other. We make quite a web connecting from person to person, all over the world. interrace, intergender, international. So some people invest more than they can give and end up with too many people coming to them for things they can't provide. I don't think that this is a serious probelm if it is only one person because people typically invest in mulitple people. So when one person doesn't come through, it doesn't matter all that much in the big picture. I feel that the only problem is a mass break in the web. If a whole bunch ofpeople drop, and completely erase themselves from this web, then there just aren't enough remaining investors to bring it back up, and we fall into ...I don't know, chaos. So if too many people break the web of investments, we all fall down. I'm not sure what percentage of investors need to break to stop the whole train but I doubt it is more than 51%. So that would end up making The Great Psychological Depression.
So... I dont know how that relates to anything, but it's cool with me. I think a valid reason is to change people's lives...for the better. Doing so hopefully shows them that we can reach out and do something useful. Even at my age, I try and help the future. Teaching should be one of the highest paying jobs of all. They are the ones that keep providing the docters, presidents, politicol leaders, judges, lawyers, janitors and ther teachers. If they stopped teaching, the web breaks. Because nobody is able to continue the cycle. The human race would not be able to advance, because we stopped learning.
I have a funny fascination with learning sometimes. Like I really want to know the complexities of things. I guess I just sometimes feel like they could be making it up. I guess it goes down to a skepticism of the teachers. If they just say that something is because they say it is. Then I have no reason to honestly believe them. Now if they teach me and show the proff, then they learn and im getting tired
OK, so right off the bat, please take into account that I have changed. I feel it is for the better. You all can either come with me or stay behind. your choice.
Secondly. I noticed today how many different ways there are to think about things. I mean, you could try and think of things optimistically and for the better. Thinking positivly and always trying to see and do the best. Or you can think pesimistically, negitivly, looking for the worst that could happen. And then all of the gray areas. If this happens what about this? I mean, at any moment, I could chooser to go AWAL and abandon everyone. Or chose to give up and just stop living. (im not going suicidal, just thinking here).
Which brings me to another point, choice. I am trying to take more responsibility for my actions. Telling the truth and not lying about my emotions, no matter how bad they are. Sometimes, this makes me feel like a selfish bastard. Other times, it makes me feel really caring. But I do now honestly believe that almost everything that a person does is a choice. Example. Getting up in the morning. What time? (choice) No alarmclock or didn't set it (choice) what about after you wake up.(im sure you can see where this is going). Everything is a choice. Not all consequences are choices however. They are merely reactions to choices that happen. So please, I urge everyone to take a little more responsibility. If something goes wrong, take the blame if you deserve it. I just find it amusing sometimes that people can't face the reality of the fact that 98 percent of anything that happens to you is your chpice in some form or another.
Now we can learn from not so good choices. Always. Boy's State tought me well as alot of other things that are going to take a while to come out. and I continue to learn from all of the amazing people I met.
For one week, I lived with the best. I worked with the best. I was the Best. and I have new ideas, new ethics, and a new view on life to show for it.
If you don't like it, come to my house, look me in the eye and tell me that.
Wow. There is so much to talk about and I dont even know where to start. But who ever does.
So, first a little bit about Boy's State. It is a government acmp where boys from all around Michigan go and roleplay government in pretty astounding detail. They had a saying there. Learn by doing. and I did learn. I learned what not to do. I learned that its ok to talk to people. It's ok to share what I feel. I don't have to hold everything in.
But I have felt a change in myself, and there are so many reason's why. But I never want to lose this feeling. Everyone played such an important part. We all worked so hard. We were a team, a family. We made mistakes together and we bounced back together. We were, no... we are, such a strong group. I dont want to lose touch. For all of those who read this please call me or email me or IM me. Don't let this pass you by! If any of you want to spend a day in Ann Arbor with me just give me a ring and I'll be there. Don't be a stranger.
Now for my psychological rant.
I hear all of these stories and these defeats that people have had. I listen to them, I hear their pain and I take it in. I realize that I have it really good. it seems to me that people, when they want attention (especially me) will begin to make myself depressed or upset. What gives me strength is the fact that somebody is worse off than I am. I know that sounds kind of mean but think about it. Knowing that there is somebody out there who is worse off, or in a worse situation than you are nearly belittle's your problem. It gives you hope. I think that is what happened to a good friend of mine.
Finally, I need to speak of a person that I just met, who I feel close to. Josh. If or when you read this, please know that I am amazed at what you were able to achieve. You were able to come back to this camp, more or less one year old than the group you led, and you were able to open yourself to us and that, in turn, allowed me to open myself to others and to myself. Please don't lose touch. I'll come and visit you at GVSU some time. And you know that you are required to attend our little reunion thing later.
I think why these camps are so great is that you get a new start. You dont have to depend on your past, or worry about what has happend in the past. That all doesn't matter. You don't need to worry about what problems you will face with certain people,. because you don't know anybody and you get a new begining. It is yours to do with what you will. Use it or abuse it. Just don't hesitate to grab it and go from there. You can't go through this world alone. I've tried and it doesn't work. So if you can't get throught to anybody else, or if I am on your list of people to call, then do. Don't let it fall.
And to everyone, call me sometime. I don't want to lose what we have. So I bid you good night and I'll see you all in the morning, bright and early. 6:55 at Norbert, see you there.
One of the most rediculous and hypocritical statements that one can ever make is telling someone not to change. For, wether they like it or not, people are always changing. Alot of people dont notice it because they are changing with their friends. look at it like a river. From shore, it looks like the river is moving, but for those chaging (on the river) it is the shore that is moving. Thus when everybody is in the same boat (nice analogy I get 5 extra points) they don't look like they are moving to each other.
So why then would someone ask another to not change? because they like where they are now. They enjoy the situatiuons they put themselves in and the consequences there of, good or bad. These people can't accept that all people change, except the dead. So asking someone to not change is asking them to drown. You literally push them of of the boat and onto the shore. Is that really what you want.
If by some miraculous chance a perosn is able to stay the same, and you continued on in your life for a few years and came back, things would be different because you changed. Just imaginge what will hapen when two people change at a time, major change action goin on there.
Unfortuntatly, nature has a way of making life difficult. So I think there are things that don't change too much or at least not very quickly. One of those things is a person's personality. The kinds of traits they have. Things like how much a person cares about certain things, or whether they like or dislike doing stuff. Food is a good example. Not very often do people all of the sudden like the foods they loathed in the past. It simply just does not work. So, you can't really tell people to change either. Isn't that a shame. Well, even if you did, the person you told would have to have a serious passion for changing.
Plus, to change, it takes major life events or events that push your limits and improve you. Kinda like going to a ropes course or on a wilderness trip. Those things test your strengths, weaknesses, and end up changing you as a result of the exerience. In other words, people don't change on a whim. The point is that if you don't like the way they are, there isn't much you can do about it. Either leave or get used to it.
... wow that was dark
I agree with the comment below. The nerve of some people to misuse words... sigh.
For those for you who easily misinterperate things, this post is simply to teach people what a hypocrite is. I have heard the term misused far to many times.
Dependence is a nasty little habit. When people become dependant, they obviously need someone to hang on to and they don't rely on themselves. Independence I think is one of the most valuable skills in the world. For once someone has the skill to be independent, they are able to be a leader in most respects.
Now, I admit that not all dependence is bad. For example, depending on a parent for housing, food and clothing. That isn't a bad thing, just as long as you are responsible enough to take over that position after you say, move out of the house and have a family of your own. On the other hand, dependence in an emotional stance is an awful thing. For once somebody can't rely on them selves to handle their emotions, they need to rely on others, which is difficult for both parties.
This is where religion can play an awesome part. Let's start with the easiest case. A child is brought up with religion in their lives, and follows and believes it until they die. This person is probably going to be independent, emotionally at least, because they can handle it. For the things they can't handle, they have their God(s).
That is why true religion rocks. (That is of course talking only about those religions that have God(s) that partake in this kind of God/believer relationship) Because, for example in Christianity, there is God, who will always be there for you to talk or pray or . . . communicate with/too. So you don't have to rely on other people.
New example. Child who has never been brought up in active religion or ever does. This child is independent because they learned how to deal with their emotions sufficiently. Since it is pretty much impossible for a person to always deal with their emotions, they break down once every long while. Oh well.
Third Case. One whose has been brought up with religion, but gives it up or just doesn't believe it. One of two things can happen. Independent: They don't believe in their religion, understand that fact, deal with their own emotions. Dependant: Don't really believe in their religion, take every single problem they have, ones that they would have communicated with God with and gone through with, and have everyone else deal with them .... with them. Oh well.
If you are reading this far, you deserve a cookie. I really don't think anybody in their right mind would take the time to read this just because of the fact that I wrote it. If anyone would like to discuss this with me, please go ahead. Note also that having an opinion and expressing it, thus engaging in discussion, is not an argument, despite what some people think. It is merely a discussion. These seem to go best when over the internet, and not in person, because the Human mind is feeble and unable to think how they would normally think when with other Humans.
So What about those reality TV shows. Aren't they just awesome! I mean come on, figure out the flaws in human behavior. The best ones are the ones that can't be changed at al, then finding the people that fit together like a bicycle fits into a small cell phone, and make them do ridiculous things. Ahhh I love humans. The only race to do most of what we do for pleasure. We live to work. Where as many other folk work to live. Why can't America care about life and family and health instead of money and.... oh wait I'm not sure the majority of America cares about anything else.
I just like typed an essay...
Yeah so I’m done for the night.... morning.
In light of the recent video production of Douglas Adams' brilliant series of books, beginning with The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; I pose everyone to find the question to the freighting simple, yet massively complex answer to life the universe and everything: 42.
I believe however that this answer, or well question, will not come so easily. First one must discover what it is they live for. This varies interpersonally and intrapersonally depending on how people are feeling and who they are with. That is the funny thing about the human mind isn't it? That people will voluntarily change their minds to try and have others view them in a better (or worse) light.
This brings me to another point. It seems that the main driving force behind people is the will to please others. If you think about it, the real reason you do the majority of what you do is to please others. Whether it is your girl/boyfriend, parent, teacher, god, or peer; there is always going to be some person that influences you to say or do certain things. So why do people feel they need to always make the,selves look good? Because they want to have something that the other person has.
This is the next step. Everyone has something another person wants. Material or emotional, there is always something. So, to get it, people tend to become friends with this new person in hopes that they will give them what they want or they can just take it. So far, it looks to me that there are a lot of greedy people out there.
So, "How might one become selfless?" one might say. By excluding yourself from everyone else. Plain and simple, if you are by yourself, and have no reason to stay or leave, you have succeeded in not wanting anything. Unfortunately, this also typically entails not having any reason to live...or die. That really doesn't end well. For those of you who don't prefer self-inflicted death, try joining the Marine Corps. The successfully break down all sense of your self and rebuild it in the form of we. Remember the book "Anthem"? Remember how annoying it was to read all of those "we"s and "our"s. *shudder* That is how you become selfless.
But for us lazy Americans who refuse to acknowledge the worth of other cultures and the fact that we aren't the only people on the Earth. Think of the children! .....Yeah
So In hopes that this will expand into a full flexed discussion, please email me with any additions you have. Please don't repeat anything that has already been said. And please stay on topic. Note: Items may or may not be posted due to content or....Other reasons that I refuse to state because they don't exist... I mean...
So until next time....
So long and thanks for all the fish.
You scored as Yoda.
Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you? created with |
Only once a year do I get to be (mostly) awake for 29.5 hours and physically exaughst myself to the limit! Everybody to the limit!!!
Imagine, in the center of the screen a small yellow dot. look close. I know its hard to see. But you have good vision. You can see it. And slowly, you see, it begins to grow...
....and grow and grow
and you realize that it is not a dot, but a small face. This face stares back at you and comes ever so cautiously closer.When it realizes that you are no threat it gets larger and larger and comes out of the screen and gives you a big wet dog slobbery kiss
....Now open your eyes.
If you imagined anything about a doggy face. You cheated. You weren't supposed to look.
I knew she knew.
That just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Don't feel too bad.
I'll accept hatever you choose......
......but I will be bitter and spitefull ; ) (just kidding)
Life is too short so love the one you got cause you might get runover or you might get shot Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Never start no static I just get it off my chest
Take a small example A tip from me take all of your money and give it up to charity
Lovin's what I got It's within my reach
And the sublime style's still straight from long beach
It all comes back to you you're gonna get what you deserve
Try and test that you're bound to get served
Love's what I got
Don't start a riot
You feel it when the dance gets hot
That's why I don't cry when my dog runs away
I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don't get angry when my Mom smokes pot, hits the bottle and goes back to the rock
Fuckin and fighting it's all the same Livin' with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin come back to me
yah man
A person is smart. People are dumb.
Everything they've ever "known" has been proven to be wrong. A thousand years ago
everybody knew as a fact, that the earth was the center of the universe. Five
hundred years ago, they knew it was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans
were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.
If you walk away, I'll walk away
I had a sudden realization today:
We are brought up to not help people that are far enough done that their problems will effect our life. My heart, brain, and body wamt to stop on the side of the road and help people I don't know, but my instinct says why? Why would you stop, take time out of your own life, and do something that won't reap you anything? I need to over come my instincts.
But greed is a bottomless pit And our freedom’s a joke We’re just taking a piss And the whole world must watch the sad comic display If you’re still free start running away
My suit coat was the last piece. I was ready. All dressed up, had my horn, and the quintet had already awrmed up. We went to where everything was set up and got our instruments. We took our cases to the back and got our horns out and got ready to play. We played various classical songs with a few others thrown in between. We played for a good hour for our audience. Then, when we were finished, we left our chairs and stands and put our instruments away. As I was walking back, I reflected. Walking past the shampoo, and the pop and candy. Next past the childrens toys and cheap gimmicks. I thought on how I am going to look back on this day, our first gig. Then I left, walking out the doors of the Dollar General thinking what our next gig is going to be.
I wonder when that period is where you stop worrying so much about everything, and just start looking at things with a strange kind of cynical amusement. Where everything becomes less confusing and brilliantly incisive. One can only look to the future and nolonger to the imminent and inevetable pain that comes from living in the past. I see so many young ones question everything they do, whether it is right or wrong, weather to be cogitative or hedonistic, (listen to the super ego or the ID). To me, that is too much thought in general. My message to you: It doesn't matter what you do. All of my friends have good intentions and that is enough if you put your mind to it. Stop thinking and just do it. Loosen up kids. You know you are doing the right thing SO STOP WORRYING... it isn't good for your health.
"Think enough and you won't know anything." - Kenneth Patchen.....
I ain't got nobody...
..... and nobody is for me
now, normally, this would sound like a sad phrase. Think about it. Then listen to this.
1) School can only be canceled when it is at an inopportune time for me.
2) I must be completely dressed and ready to go before the call can be made.(I don't think you get this on a crew day. I have two bags to pack, and put on all of my rowing work out cloths under my normal cloths. That way, they canceller can laugh at me when I have to take them all off again....such a pain.
3) It must be early in the morning, e.g. 5:45; and I must be walking out the door to go to crew.
4) The person on the phone must dramatically pause as to tease all children into thinking there is school. (p.s. for all of you not at Saline, the normal, everyday message is "Thank You for calling Saline Schools." That means we do have school.) e.g. "Thank you far calling Saline Schools..(3 second pause)..Today is [insert day,date] ...(another 3 second pause)...and school is.....(5 second pause)....c....aaaaaaaa.......nceledfortoday(he says that last part really fast)
5) Always After the call, I must, yes it is a requirement, I must have no idea whether I should go back to bed for oh say 1.5 hours; or stay awake even though I didn't get a whole lot of sleep.
6) Also, everyone must be overcome with a feeling of joy due to the snowday which disregards all previous feelings of badness from numbers 1 - 5.
Thank You and Have a Nice Day
kinda wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. i really wish I did. Im thniking I will major in spansh and be all awesome and fluent...then i need to major in something else. hmmm, maybe i dunno...any ideas? maybew buisness or something. I dunno. Maybe parks and rec... or experiential educaiton, or physics. I really have no idea. Give me some ideas please!!!!!
It seems to me that now and days, respect is little more than an oldie Aretha Franklin hit. Unfortunately, or culture has seemed to lost some of the most basic respect there is. The respect for people and places.
To me, everyone that I have just met or don't know very well deserves respect. When I get to know them better, and we become friends, most of the time, the respect is shown in a different form. This is one , if not only, exception I see for respect to people. I have been told many times to " Respect my elders". When that is said to me, I think that they see me as some rambunctious youth that wont listen and runs around a lot. But im not. I am a human being, just like everyone else, capable of thought. This thought has led me to the realization that not just elders deserve respect. All people should be given respect. Then obviously, when you become more than acquaintances, the rules of social interaction change, and you can be more open... and such. This goes for all people, regardless of age.
In addition, places deserve respect. A lot of times people will shows respect to a place without thinking about it. For example, a place like a teen center usually stays nice and isn't vandalized because it provides a place for kids to go, thus they aren't going to mess it up. This seems to be the one my generation is missing. For example, my fourth hour. I love my fourth hour with a passion. It gives me a gateway to a kind of learning I have never experienced. This is the reason I stay after sometimes and help organize of clean up a little. I like the class, thus, I will respect it. I like the teacher, I know that he wants it to be nice and organized. He has shown me respect in the past few weeks, thus I show him respect, in the form of helping out, in return.
I just wish that more people could be nicer to each other.
I mean come on guys, show a little respect...
Just a little bit, just a little bit
![]() I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You? |
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm garlic apples in the uni-verse (oooo-knee-verse)
Jeanblue - Incessantly Interesting. You are one of
the more interesting, and fascinating people
anyone will ever meet. You're very 'deep' and
you have an appreciation for art, and love. You
value things much more than people may realize.
You're intelligent, and probably prosper in
most things you do.
Which eye colour are you?
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