Objection your Honor:
"You can't preface your second point with 'firstly"
I get upset when people talk about how they judge other people. I can't stand it when people say "stop judging me". I can't stand it when people say that they are not judgemental.
Just Stop Talking
Of course you are judgemental. Think of the root of this word Judge. To judge, as is defined by the fourth edition of the American Heritage dictionary, is to form an opinion or evaluation. So yes you are judgemental. Otherwise you have no opinion. and I honestly think that everyone has some mental process of thought.
The other thing that bugs me about ourselves is that when we learn something new, we try and fit it into what we already know. For example, meeting a new person. You first try and fit the person into a category or relate them to other people you know and even to yourself. After time however, you begin to from a new category for this person. I just dislike the process. I think it is a little .... judgemental...not really.