We all have the choices. When it comes down to it, we choose everything that is important. The only thing that is important is what we decide for ourselves. No matter what anyone else thinks of us, we are still who we are if we decide to be.
"They can not take away our self respect if we do not give it to them." -Mahatma Ghandi
So it is our choice how to act in a race that needs other people. A race where we need trust in other people. A person alone is very weak. If there was only one human with the power to reproduce without needing another human, she wouldn't survive. Alone the mind is weak and susceptible to manipulation. Or will she? Is it her choice to have a weak mind? Can the lack of people, the lack of self-objectivism make her feel she doesn't exist? The answer to that particular question, I feel we will never know.
Since that situation is a bit radical we all still have choice. Choice of letting people take our pride, dignity, and self-respect. The trick is to learn how to stop that.
How is that done? What does it take to hold enough trust and confidence within yourself to take such responsibility for your actions. To truly be self sufficient?
Think about it. Can men have babies?