That zombie movie got me thinking. How would the world respond to such an attack? Would we really hole up and be overtaken by greed? Shouldn't we be more worried about survival? Aren't humans such funny creatures. I mean, we can hardly deal with members of our species that are slightly different than us. When other animals can take in other species.
So, the main problem is our ability to reason. Such that we can convince ourselves that we are right. We convince ourselves that we need certain things and that we can not live without certain things. When in reality it is only comfort we desire. But why do we even want that. We didn't need comfort in the ice age. We needed food. Well, food is readily provided now. So what do we need? Hmm, water too obviously, it. So, to live what else do we need? Physically, I think we need nothing. Psychologically, however, we need alot more.
First off, we need other people. I was introduced to the concept of selfobjectivism a couple weeks ago. The idea that a person needs other people to view them so they know that they exist. For, when they look at an inanimate object, it doesn't look back. It doesn't talk oor judge you. When you look at another person however, and interact, you know that you exist. So simply put, without other people, many people would cease to exist in their own mids. I'm not sure what happens to them then.
Next, I think that people need to feel like they are living for something. Anything. Because in this day of reason. we don't live to hunt or live for the next day, we need to make a reason to live. Some people don't have reasons, they just live.
This reminds me of a funny conversation I had with my Dad. We were talking about what if a person couldn't read. A person might say, "How can they live with that?" I don't know, but they do. They wake up in the morning, hopefully eat at some point, do something in the day, and go to bed at night, only to wake up the next morning.
Wierd thought. Are we the only creature on the planet that can convince ourselves that we don't have a reason to live. Yes. Becuase no other animal needs a reason to live. They live to live. I wish that humans could live to live. Unfortunatly, everything leads to more questions. what does live to live mean. I just think it means, live for what you need. and the only way we can do that in this world is to trabajamos a vivir. Work to live. Otherwise, we are just making reasons for us to live. Acctualy, I think that was a factor in the starting of religion. Besides explaining the unexplainable. Anciet Japan (I think it was) is my favorite. How somebelieved the island was on the back of a turtle or a catfish or something. And when it got angry, it shook making earthquakes. But I think that some people just need reasons to live.
I have what I need. I don't need to worry about that at this point in my life. So what is my part? I think my part should be to make things better. Leave everything better than I found it. For the future depends on the actions of the present. It is my choice and responsibilty to either change the world now, or help the peopole of today and future people of tomorrow help to make the world better.
One idea that i have been working on was like a high school small business internship program. Isn't that the most risky investmentof all. Other people. I mean, dollar values go up and down, but everyday we invest in people. In promisies and friendships. In teachings and favors. We invest in each other. We make quite a web connecting from person to person, all over the world. interrace, intergender, international. So some people invest more than they can give and end up with too many people coming to them for things they can't provide. I don't think that this is a serious probelm if it is only one person because people typically invest in mulitple people. So when one person doesn't come through, it doesn't matter all that much in the big picture. I feel that the only problem is a mass break in the web. If a whole bunch ofpeople drop, and completely erase themselves from this web, then there just aren't enough remaining investors to bring it back up, and we fall into ...I don't know, chaos. So if too many people break the web of investments, we all fall down. I'm not sure what percentage of investors need to break to stop the whole train but I doubt it is more than 51%. So that would end up making The Great Psychological Depression.
So... I dont know how that relates to anything, but it's cool with me. I think a valid reason is to change people's lives...for the better. Doing so hopefully shows them that we can reach out and do something useful. Even at my age, I try and help the future. Teaching should be one of the highest paying jobs of all. They are the ones that keep providing the docters, presidents, politicol leaders, judges, lawyers, janitors and ther teachers. If they stopped teaching, the web breaks. Because nobody is able to continue the cycle. The human race would not be able to advance, because we stopped learning.
I have a funny fascination with learning sometimes. Like I really want to know the complexities of things. I guess I just sometimes feel like they could be making it up. I guess it goes down to a skepticism of the teachers. If they just say that something is because they say it is. Then I have no reason to honestly believe them. Now if they teach me and show the proff, then they learn and im getting tired