kinda wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. i really wish I did. Im thniking I will major in spansh and be all awesome and fluent...then i need to major in something else. hmmm, maybe i dunno...any ideas? maybew buisness or something. I dunno. Maybe parks and rec... or experiential educaiton, or physics. I really have no idea. Give me some ideas please!!!!!
You could go to EMU and major in music and be stuck with Jeff, Kevin and I for the next five years of your life!!! mwahaha.
I think you'd make a good science or math teacher or something.
I'm agreeing with katey and mel, you'd do great as a teacher!
You should become a hermit. and not get any joc, just live in some random cabin in the mountains hunting carabu and moose and living off the land. That'd be sweet. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm so gonna be a hermit, and it'll be SWEET!
Guess who!