OK, so right off the bat, please take into account that I have changed. I feel it is for the better. You all can either come with me or stay behind. your choice.
Secondly. I noticed today how many different ways there are to think about things. I mean, you could try and think of things optimistically and for the better. Thinking positivly and always trying to see and do the best. Or you can think pesimistically, negitivly, looking for the worst that could happen. And then all of the gray areas. If this happens what about this? I mean, at any moment, I could chooser to go AWAL and abandon everyone. Or chose to give up and just stop living. (im not going suicidal, just thinking here).
Which brings me to another point, choice. I am trying to take more responsibility for my actions. Telling the truth and not lying about my emotions, no matter how bad they are. Sometimes, this makes me feel like a selfish bastard. Other times, it makes me feel really caring. But I do now honestly believe that almost everything that a person does is a choice. Example. Getting up in the morning. What time? (choice) No alarmclock or didn't set it (choice) what about after you wake up.(im sure you can see where this is going). Everything is a choice. Not all consequences are choices however. They are merely reactions to choices that happen. So please, I urge everyone to take a little more responsibility. If something goes wrong, take the blame if you deserve it. I just find it amusing sometimes that people can't face the reality of the fact that 98 percent of anything that happens to you is your chpice in some form or another.
Now we can learn from not so good choices. Always. Boy's State tought me that...as well as alot of other things that are going to take a while to come out. and I continue to learn from all of the amazing people I met.
For one week, I lived with the best. I worked with the best. I was the Best. and I have new ideas, new ethics, and a new view on life to show for it.
If you don't like it, come to my house, look me in the eye and tell me that.