You Know Sometimes You Just Want to Buy a Tea Towel
Trust. It is something that is earned. Earning trust has been a lifelong mystery for some people and not remotly achievable for others. What has always bugged me is how trust is formed. Because trust isn't really formed. Trust is the confinidence in another person that they will do what you want them to when you want them to. Or well, I guess it is less what you want them to and more of them not doing what you dont want them to do. Either way, trust is nothing of substance. It is comepletely made up in the mind and it is one of the first things that is created in an infant's head. Trust is something both wonderfull when fufilled and terrible when betrayed. It can hurt more than torture and feel better than sex. Tust is a drug.
Trust is forged through adversity. When any form of risk is involved in a situation, it creates a crucible that forges the recations and responses of others to the situation at hand, and turns it into either trust or mistrust.