Excuse Me
We live in a world of excuses. "the trafific was bad, my mom made me _______, My car wouldn't start." We arrive at a place knowing that no matter what we say or do, we are still running 14 minutes behind. No words are going to make up for the time we have missed. That time is gone. Never to be seen again. The only thing you are doing with an excuse is taking up more time when you are already at a loss of time.
As people, we talk too much anyway. we always know something is happening, but we are always managed to be talked out of it. We hear too much and listen too little. plus we will say anything to get out of something we don't want to do. Im too tired, im too confused, im too dumb. ironically, all of those staements infer that you are overoccupied with one thing to do another. "too" much, "too" little , "too" big, "too" small. we never get it just right. it is never enough.
Just let it go.
Finish the though yourself , i don't want to type anymore......
I am too tired
; )
^^ bingo