Most people think of pride as the thing that makes them do stupid things in the face of danger. Some people also get pride and courage confused. Pride is the emotion that is us protecting our feelings. Courage on the other hand has lots of meanings. Courage could be doing right when everyone else is doing wrong, standing up to danger, and sticking up for other people. COURAGE IS NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE! Here is a quote I wrote myself (with a bit of help form Drizzt Do'urden): A person may walk alone, but never should he walk without friends. Also, people should know their surroundings and know where to find allies. People have too much pride when they think they don't need those things. The realization will hit them either when they figure it out or when they die by it. Yeah, I know that's kinda harsh....well it's really harsh, but it's true. Becoming so full of your self that pride is turned into foolishness (or what the person would call a mixture of intelligence and courage) is a HUGE mistake that many people take as a blessing. Well it's not. When someone thinks they have a lot of courage and pride, they go looking for trouble that could affect their pride. Thus destroying both. Just keep that in mind next time you want to pick a fight or do something stupid.