I've noticed that at about the 5th grade, groups of kids start making fun of other ones. Those people (the make funners) tend to group together. Then in the 6th grade the other people start to hang around each other. This starts creating the cliques. It seems that when you single out any of these people, they wouldn?t mind to be with a person from another one of the their groups. Soon enough though, they won't want to. These groups form when one of these people decides that it would be funny if they made a joke about someone else. Then the other kids catch on and do it too. Then it continues; such as the quote by someone says," None of us is as dumb as all of us." This is pretty self-explanatory. It says then people can do really stupid things (at any age) when in groups of any size. We do this because of our masks (check previous entry). These groups change some but usually last until 8th-9th grade, then nobody cares any more. I have noticed that grades 1-4 and grades 11 and up, are very similar; in perspectives of people that is. I have never cared for these groups, at any time in my life. Though many people do. They see these people as their friend, though most of the time they aren't. This manipulates all in it. So the lesson of today is: don't be stupid (and I know that that is hard for many)
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