It's not so much that people don't listen. The problem lies in people caring when they listen. Everyone should have a person who them can talk to. If not, their thoughts are kept inside of themselves and their knowledge and wisdom is never revealed to the world. Micheal Fowling said that if you talk, it means that you are alive, if you don't... Anyway, I feel really primative and young when people hold back on me. I don't like it. If there is one thing that defines people from friend to good friend and person I can trust, is when they listen and understand me, and vice versa. Our world is full of lies, misstrust, and deception. A friend who listens is a rare thing. Hold close to you those who listen. If you just met them, get to know them. If you know them (or think you know them), get to know them better. If they are a friend, tell them and hold them dear to you. A good friend is rare in this world of ours. Be thankfull for the ones you have.

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