At one time in history, the greeks believed in muses. The definition of a muse is:

Greek Mythology. Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.

The nine muses will be presented in this handy thiung I found.

Name Meaning of Name Domain Symbols

Calliope The Fair Voiced Epic Poetry Writing Tablet
Clio The Proclaimer History Scroll
Erato The Lovely Love Poetry Lyre
Euterpe The Giver of Pleasure Music Flute
Melpomene The Songstress Tragedy Tragic Mask
Polyhymnia She of Many Hymns Sacred Poetry Pensive Look
Terpsichore The Whirler Dancing Dancing with Lyre
Thalia The Flourishing Comedy Comic Mask
Urania The Heavenly Astronomy Celestial Globe

Now im sure that if the muses were real, their powers would be split in people. Like their funny and kinda good at music. I like to think that i can invite a muse to join me. For example, I really want to learn to play spanish guitar. for a few reasons i might add. 1) It is a difficult task and I need a challenge. 2) It is a cool thing to do at parties etc. 3) Chick Magnet, need I say more?
I have met people who just have ways with words. These people can write and write and never lose it. Me on the other hand can sometimes write about somethings. Sometimes I wish that I were better at somethings. I have decided that is is time to stop wshing and do something. So I will. Please, if you see an imperfection in something, do something about it.

With this I leave you: Love what you do. If you don't, do something you love.


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