The Great Bicycle Adventure Part 2
I have fiddled with it this morning and I give up. I am going to take it to the shop to see if they can do it for me. I just need to attach my front wheel and I'll be good to go.
Front Wheel
There was a little |_| bit of carboard on the wheel and the tightening/securing screw that goes through the axle was ziptied to a spoke.
Ok, the front wheel is attached. Time to see if I can catch the bus!
(A little while later...)
While I said I had given up, I really had not. I figured out how to put the derailleur cable casings in their crowns (I just had to play with the derailleurs, pushing them into a lower gear...they were in the highest gear which made it really hard to pull the cable! I have also adjusted the tensions enough to be satesfactory. I think they should be fine. Now I need to attach pedals and my front brake callipers.
Great news! Everything is on my bike! Pedals, brakes, the whole deal. Now I need to inflate the tires (easier said than done- I have an awful little hand pump) and I should be good to go.
(Another little while later...)
Finished! My bike is ridable! Almost. I hopped on to check the fitting and my handle bars twisted forward. I am gladd about it though; they only twist when I put pressure on them. Yes! I did that on purpose so I could adjust them when I was ready to fit it! Well done...I mean...I am so smart for thinking ahead like that!