So sometimes we hide from things, people....ourselves without knowing it. We get lost. If we are lucky, we notice this and break free and become ourselves again, and it is refreshing. The problem comes when we choose to hide, because if we hide for too long and too deep, we won't be able to find our way out. So...sing like an angel, dance like a raver, and show compassion like buddhist. Because only after we find ourselves can we decide what to do with ourselves.
If it doesn't make sense in the context you think I wrote it in, then use it in your own. Because that has no context that I am ever going to tell you... at leas not in the next couple years you nosey bavarian pig. sorry. I didn't mean it : ) (well not the bavarian part).
You are beautiful
Having read most of your posts and with all your thoughts have you ever managed to reach on any of the topics dicussed, a conclusion, something that you believe is or should be the "universal truth"?
No, that was not directed at you. You shouldn't be so upset that I said buddhist, I mean it really makes sense. I just like to compare doctrines, religious texts.
All tremble at violence,
Life is dear to all.
Comparing others with oneself
One should neither kill nor cause others to kill.
~Dhammapada v. 130
Also, nowhere in buddhist text does it say violence is ok.
The funny difference is when we come to Christianity
3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [a] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "
1Samuel 15:3
and here are some more im just going to abbreviate and you can look them up in the bible yourself.
Duetromony 3:3-6
Duetromony 17:2-7
and many more
now I say sources of texts because those are the basis of a religon right? I mean people have to have something to go off of. Buddhists have no violence, Christians have plenty. That isn't to say that Buddhists have never been violent because they have and are in some places, I am just saying that their religion says not to ever and some people go against it.
Universal truth,eh? here is what I know for sure/believe in:
I exist.
Other people exist.
If I interact nicely with other people, we get along well and times are happy
If I do not act nicely, we get along bad and times are unhappy.
Life is better when I am happy.
That is what I know for absolute no doubt in my mind sure. and If we really do live in some thing like the matrix then only two of those are wrong so I don't have much of a problem with it.