Music Drop: Girlyman

Harmonies - if you had to describe the music of Girlyman in one word, this would be it. The story doesn't end there, of course: the band blends modern acoustic, americana, and folk-rock into a musical recipe The Village Voice has called "really good, really unexpected, and really different." The wide range of instruments - acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, djembe, electric baritone guitar - reflects an eclectic sound, and the band members switch off lead vocals and songwriting duties. But it is the stunning three-part vocal blend that creates the Girlyman magic.
-From their website

Their description of themselves is quite accurate. They have some amazing harmonic power as well as a fantastic ability to entertain. Their album Somewhere Different Now, a live album, is gravid with satisfying music, hilarious tuning songs, and smart political commentary. 

Check out their music page for samples of their music. 

2 Responses so far.

  1. WF says:

    I love this group Colin! Good find. Does this post sound vaguely Jewish?

  2. WF says:

    Love the group Colin! Good find! Does this post sound vaguely Jewish to you?

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