I wonder when that period is where you stop worrying so much about everything, and just start looking at things with a strange kind of cynical amusement. Where everything becomes less confusing and brilliantly incisive. One can only look to the future and nolonger to the imminent and inevetable pain that comes from living in the past. I see so many young ones question everything they do, whether it is right or wrong, weather to be cogitative or hedonistic, (listen to the super ego or the ID). To me, that is too much thought in general. My message to you: It doesn't matter what you do. All of my friends have good intentions and that is enough if you put your mind to it. Stop thinking and just do it. Loosen up kids. You know you are doing the right thing SO STOP WORRYING... it isn't good for your health.

"Think enough and you won't know anything." - Kenneth Patchen.....

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

He had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but then, he had hoped for so many things over the years...

Attention Viewers:

From hence forth, I here by declare that I am giving up fast food. This ban will continue until the afore mentioned food becomes healthy. The only exception is pizza.

PLease help me in my little promise to myself.
Thanks for listening.

See you next time. Same time. Same place.

Note to Self:

"Self, don't not do anything for 5.5 hours"

¡Yay for getting a I on our quintet and an 84 on my Solo Yay!

I ain't got nobody...

..... and nobody is for me

now, normally, this would sound like a sad phrase. Think about it. Then listen to this.

She said she had to travel light, and then she gave it back.

It all boils down to one quotable phrase:

If you love something, give it away



1) School can only be canceled when it is at an inopportune time for me.

2) I must be completely dressed and ready to go before the call can be made.(I don't think you get this on a crew day. I have two bags to pack, and put on all of my rowing work out cloths under my normal cloths. That way, they canceller can laugh at me when I have to take them all off again....such a pain.

3) It must be early in the morning, e.g. 5:45; and I must be walking out the door to go to crew.

4) The person on the phone must dramatically pause as to tease all children into thinking there is school. (p.s. for all of you not at Saline, the normal, everyday message is "Thank You for calling Saline Schools." That means we do have school.) e.g. "Thank you far calling Saline Schools..(3 second pause)..Today is [insert day,date] ...(another 3 second pause)...and school is.....(5 second pause)....c....aaaaaaaa.......nceledfortoday(he says that last part really fast)

5) Always After the call, I must, yes it is a requirement, I must have no idea whether I should go back to bed for oh say 1.5 hours; or stay awake even though I didn't get a whole lot of sleep.

6) Also, everyone must be overcome with a feeling of joy due to the snowday which disregards all previous feelings of badness from numbers 1 - 5.

Thank You and Have a Nice Day