The Rule of stuff is that Problems can only be solved for a limited amount of time. I am going to change that rule. The problems of individual countries are always going to exist. But the problems of the world can be solved. The bigger problem can be fixed forever if everyone sees it. Of course everyone isn't going to see it so, we need to find a way to make it work. Many, if not all, little problems are spawned from those that are bigger problems. Problems of the world. Problems with the Human Being. Now of course the only way to solve those problems is purly science fiction. Things like Tha Matrix and such are solutions to Human problems. The world problem....I haven't quite figured out what it is yet, but im working on it. I guess that is the first problem to solve... and probably the most difficult: What is the World Problem? Well...It's a problem. That is about as far as I have gotten. Right. The next step is to make everyone see that the problem relates to them. The conflict that keeps popping into my head is the Middle Eastern Conflict. Unfortunatly, I dont know how it relates to anything. So that is another problem. (Just like my typing) That is a religion problem, and until both sides realize that it doesn't matter, it won't stop. I guess that is another problem isn't it. Becuase to me it doesn't matter. But to many of them it is their entire life, it is all they know. Darn. Well there goes that solution. OK. It does matter, but how. I don't know enough about the conflict (Israel/Palistien sorry for not clarifying earlier)So, if anyone reading this knows alot about the subject please explain it to me. Email or comment, i don't care. * So I think that if the world can work togeather then all of the countries can fix their own problems because the world can a) help and b)they don't need to worry about fixing the world because it is already fixed. but how will that help. well, If the world leaders can realze that If they help each other that they can all prospeer.. i guess that is the first step (the second is to rephrase what I said so it makes sense). right.....where was I? will they prosper? well [refer to the *].
The world is a big problem with many little ones. Alot of people think that by fixing the little ones, we can fix the big one. That could work. But I think it will be easier to flip it and do it the other way around. Fix the big problem to fix the smaller ones. The little problems will never ever ever ever ever ever (pretend like I feel like typing that about a hundred times more) go away. You fix one and it is solved you fix another , it is solved. Unfortunatly, that second one you fixed was fixed by chinging the first one. Thus the first prolbem has come back, just changed. Pick a problem in the U.S. hmmm like the economy. It can be fixed by getting help from the world. Some countries are better off than others. To fix everyone, we need to act like a socialism and make everyone mostly equal. there is always going to be people who are better off than others, thus there are people who are worse off. But we can untie everything and make it so it is individual and not global. Then i guess we will get a HUGE mass of people who start equal. Then some feel that they are better than others. So then they get more stuff. These people get together and brak off making a better off country. Thus we now have towo. Darn back to where we started...sorta. Well I guess we need to consider that when we are acctually trying to figure out the problem.
Dan, you told me once that instead of running away from the problems, fix the ones here. and gave me some example form a Mitch Albom thing (i think) well, here isn't going to do anything, so I think im gonna fix the world
Sorry i just wanted to make my ego fell better by saying that....jk i didn't mean it
( I need to get my bitter spitefulness out if I write alot)
So we dont know the problem that we are trying to figure out the solutions to. please notice how I said solutions. Im sure that there is more than one solution. Becuase there most likly isn't going to be a way to fix everything, so we will pick the solution that fixes the most things.
Oh if per chance a World Problem Major from Harvard (or anyone who can give input and ideas and suggestions on how to find the problem) is reading this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in contact with me.
We can fix the world. We just need to know what to fix.
You think more than I do, lol. Big problems are just a collection of smaller problems which is a collection of individuals. No one is going to take on the world and make a difference that will fix it. But one person can make a difference in a single person's life that changes it forever.
If everyone stopped overwhelming themselves with the bigger picture, we'd realize that the flaws in the details make the bigger picture look so obscure.
No, problems will never go away in an unperfect world, but every little problem fixed makes the bigger one smaller.