"BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - The confirmed death toll from the weekend earthquake and tsunami in south Asia soared sharply to 114,000 on Thursday as the Indonesian government announced that nearly 80,000 people had died in that country alone."
Read the full article
and once again:5h17................what could we have possibly done to piss mother nature off that much?
"BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - The death toll from the earthquake and tsunamis that devastated coastal areas in southern Asia soared to nearly 77,000 on Wednesday, and the Red Cross said it feared that it could exceed 100,000 once bodies buried in the mud and wreckage are counted."
5h17................what could we have possibly done to piss mother nature off that much?
The Rule of stuff is that Problems can only be solved for a limited amount of time. I am going to change that rule. The problems of individual countries are always going to exist. But the problems of the world can be solved. The bigger problem can be fixed forever if everyone sees it. Of course everyone isn't going to see it so, we need to find a way to make it work. Many, if not all, little problems are spawned from those that are bigger problems. Problems of the world. Problems with the Human Being. Now of course the only way to solve those problems is purly science fiction. Things like Tha Matrix and such are solutions to Human problems. The world problem....I haven't quite figured out what it is yet, but im working on it. I guess that is the first problem to solve... and probably the most difficult: What is the World Problem? Well...It's a problem. That is about as far as I have gotten. Right. The next step is to make everyone see that the problem relates to them. The conflict that keeps popping into my head is the Middle Eastern Conflict. Unfortunatly, I dont know how it relates to anything. So that is another problem. (Just like my typing) That is a religion problem, and until both sides realize that it doesn't matter, it won't stop. I guess that is another problem isn't it. Becuase to me it doesn't matter. But to many of them it is their entire life, it is all they know. Darn. Well there goes that solution. OK. It does matter, but how. I don't know enough about the conflict (Israel/Palistien sorry for not clarifying earlier)So, if anyone reading this knows alot about the subject please explain it to me. Email or comment, i don't care. * So I think that if the world can work togeather then all of the countries can fix their own problems because the world can a) help and b)they don't need to worry about fixing the world because it is already fixed. but how will that help. well, If the world leaders can realze that If they help each other that they can all prospeer.. i guess that is the first step (the second is to rephrase what I said so it makes sense). right.....where was I? um...how will they prosper? well [refer to the *].
The world is a big problem with many little ones. Alot of people think that by fixing the little ones, we can fix the big one. That could work. But I think it will be easier to flip it and do it the other way around. Fix the big problem to fix the smaller ones. The little problems will never ever ever ever ever ever (pretend like I feel like typing that about a hundred times more) go away. You fix one and it is solved you fix another , it is solved. Unfortunatly, that second one you fixed was fixed by chinging the first one. Thus the first prolbem has come back, just changed. Pick a problem in the U.S. hmmm like the economy. It can be fixed by getting help from the world. Some countries are better off than others. To fix everyone, we need to act like a socialism and make everyone mostly equal. there is always going to be people who are better off than others, thus there are people who are worse off. But we can untie everything and make it so it is individual and not global. Then i guess we will get a HUGE mass of people who start equal. Then some feel that they are better than others. So then they get more stuff. These people get together and brak off making a better off country. Thus we now have towo. Darn back to where we started...sorta. Well I guess we need to consider that when we are acctually trying to figure out the problem.
Dan, you told me once that instead of running away from the problems, fix the ones here. and gave me some example form a Mitch Albom thing (i think) well, here isn't going to do anything, so I think im gonna fix the world
Sorry i just wanted to make my ego fell better by saying that....jk i didn't mean it
( I need to get my bitter spitefulness out if I write alot)
So we dont know the problem that we are trying to figure out the solutions to. please notice how I said solutions. Im sure that there is more than one solution. Becuase there most likly isn't going to be a way to fix everything, so we will pick the solution that fixes the most things.
Oh if per chance a World Problem Major from Harvard (or anyone who can give input and ideas and suggestions on how to find the problem) is reading this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in contact with me.
We can fix the world. We just need to know what to fix.
so, im in French classright now. before lunch the Frau used her cow bell and the bell rang. When the bell rigns group C of the student population is herded to the feeding grounds to eat their lunch for a prealotted amount of time. THen another bell is rung and that group is herded again to their designated rooms.If any of the cattle...ahem...I mean students try to leave before hand, they are pushed back into the masses by use of cattleprod...ahem... verbal command.
This is just one example that I thought up today of how regulatedour lives are. For myself I wake up at a certain time everyday to work out or something of the like for a certain amount of time. Then I haveschool for 6 hours. School is broken up into 90 minute blocks with 6 minute passing time and 30 minutes for lunch. Then I leave todosome after schoolactivity for another certain amount of time, go home, work on homework, eat dinner, and sleep for 5 hours or so. Then I get up at a certain time everyday......... and so on.
Life is really boring...if you just look at the basics. Unfortunatly the human is somehow capable of making complecated, even those most basic of concepts. I agree that the human mind has advanced, an unfortunate side effect of this is that we complicate things as well. People can complicate things as simple as what kind of cloths they are going to wear.
I have also noticed that the reason people complicate things is because of other people. Why do you care what you look like? because other people are going to see you. Why do you care how you act, because other people will watch you. Why do you care what you do in school or for the community? because other people care. The only reason that people do anything is because of other people. Why do you have a job? To pay other people for letting you be taught or having a house or car, etc.
I wonder if cows have the same depth of mind. Is the only thing cows think about is what they are eating? Hmmm this grass is alittle dull, I better go over there. Or is it more complicated than that? Do the cows get upset because their hooves don't match their spots? Do they have social groups and other cows they look up to? Or is it all just about the grass?
Mmmmmmm, this grass tastes great!.... I mean talk to you later...........yeah
So quiet
another wasted night,
the television steals the conversation
another wasted breath,
again it goes unnoticed.
Yeah. So, everyday i see you, i notice things that I haven't before. Why i notice these things; why im even looking at you is beyond me. But I have begun to remember how you first entered my life...
Through a dream
Everyday, I saw you in the hall, since freshman year. EVERY SINGLE FRICKEING DAY. Why did you die in that dream? i dunno. but what i do know is that because of that dream, you appeared into my line of sight and have dramatically affected my life.
Please tell me you're just feeling tired
cause if it's more than that I feel that I might break
out of touch, out of time.
Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
cause I can't read your rolling eyes
out of touch, are we out of time?
Each time I saw you, you looked different. You are a well known person that I don't know at all. You didn't even know that I exsisted untill we just happened to be in the same class, and sport. Even then, you didn't see me.
T'wasn't untill I finally started leaving weak remarks hinting towards the fact that i saw you everyday, watching your every move. Adoring you in a sort of crazed freshmany sort of way.
Close lipped
another goodnight kiss
is robbed of all it's passion,
your grip
another time, is slack
it leaves me feeling empty.
Even today, when you know that you have become a kind of sybol for what life is to me, you don't have a difference. Which I guess is normal, it just feels wierd. What I have for you now is not the same as before. Tis no longer a kind of adoring, but admiration, for what you do, and how you think. Yet, still I notice things, why I don't know...nice new sweater.
I'll wait until tomorrow
maybe you'll feel better then
maybe we'll be better then
so what's another day
when I can't bear these nights of thoughts
of going on without you
this mood of yours is temporary
it seems worth the wait
to see your smile again
out of the corner of my eye
won't be the only way you're looking at me then.
Once again, Thanks Bob Dylan
you no longer hold the position of idol, i dont think you ever did. I was just to blinded to see you for what you are.
a symbol
you are not the things I idolize, but you are a very good walking symbol of them....still unfortunatly, the mere sight of you sends a shrill through my spine...in a good way...?
You Are From Neptune |
![]() You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability. You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea. Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion. You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone. If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything. |
You Are a Warrior Soul |
![]() You're a strong person and sometimes seen as intimidating. You don't give up. You're committed and brave. Truly adventuresome, you are not afraid of going to battle. Extremely protective of loved ones, you root for the underdog. You are picky about details and rigorous in your methods. You also value honesty and fairness a great deal. You can be outspoken, intimidating, headstrong, and demanding. You're a hardliner who demands the best from themselves and others. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul |
You Are the Reformer |
1 You're a responsible person - with a clear sense of right and wrong. High standards are important to you, and you do everything to meet them. You are your own worst critic, feeling ashamed if you're not perfect. You have the highest integrity, and people expect you to be fair. |