Hyperactive Analyzation Disorder Regarding Interpersonal Magnetism

I've said things like this before, but I will try to word it in an exciting new way for you. Our minds move at fucking incredible speeds every second. Over the course of a minute someone can think of puppies, death, sex, taxes, aqua teen hunger force, terrorists, music, sex, movies, boyfriends, Africa, girlfriends, being stupid, friends, and nothing; and that's just the top 10% of the iceberg (now that I am in college I use fancy things like percentages...that is the correct amount of iceberg that sticks out incase you didn’t know). Now think how many seconds you have been alive and all of the different things you have thought about. Now think of all of the things you have done. It is incredible isn't it? What’s more, you are truly unique in what you have done and there is no possible way for anyone else to have the same experience you can. However, people can have similar personalities.

From here I want to pull a few things: uniqueness, thinking speed, and personalities. This really doesn’t have anything to do with V day, but more what's going on in my life. One thing that I have noticed, not just with this but with everything, is that I (and I am sure other people do this too!) take all of these experiences I have had and project them onto others when we don't know them. We think about the future in the only way we can, which is by bringing to mind the first thing we think of. Daniel Gilbert talks about this his book, but I’m just getting there and I haven't read it lately. Anyway, in my situation I have had a recent encounter with someone that I thought went well. In any case, since then I have created many many different possible emotions to possible reactions. It's like preparing for the future. We like to be prepared, no matter how much we like surprises, we like to be prepared. Additionally, I have made millions of guesses at personality and lifestyle because I don't have anything to base it on. I feel like a really debated and hard to interpret scientific concept where any new information makes me rethink EVERYTHING if just for an instant.

My name is Colin and I have Hyperactive Analyzation Disorder Regarding Interpersonal Magnetism

"Maybe tomorrow would be the day"

(for people who haven't gotten it yet, I over think EVERYTHING and more)

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Stop this. You'll turn into Kat.

    - The Rest of the World.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Think think think. I wonder if you belong really in the Hundred Acre Wood. Because I know I do. I am there, the name Sanders is above my door and I live under it. Right then. I like to look at Mika and wonder what in the hell he is actually thinking, what does a small Finnish baby think about?! And now I know. You are thinking the same things a ten-month-old Finn thinks of.
    Cracked it.

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