not being chrisitian I dont feel right making any sort of christian argument on anything.
However, a person like DAVID MYERS!!!(who btw wrote the text book for AP Psych!) can. I saw him the other day and he gave a presentation on chrisitan support for Gay Marriage. I thought it was good. I attempted to record it on my mp3 player and i will post it after I overcome the two following problems:
1) The recorder was not very near to him, so it is very very quiet.
2) My mp3 player and program does not allow me to take things off of it, including recordings.
As soon as I get it on my computer and edit the audio with the sweet adobe program I have and dont know how to use I will put it up.
Until then, you can admire David Myers at his web site:
[I like writing the website because it is easy...I could hyperlink it for you lazy folks]
I don't really think there is a feasible defense for Christian support of gay marriage.
Then, I also don't think there is a feasible defense for Christian opposition of gay marriage either.