well, I have been chosen as the 2004-2005 Drum Major. It is a good feeling, but i am sorry for those guys that didn't make it. We all practiced so hard. I am just confused right now. I know that I would have been upset if I didn't make it, but why do people have to hate me? I practiced just as hard, if not harder than other people. My audition didn't go nearly as well as I had hoped, but that's only a part of it. I have been told that my interview was alot of it, and the parts of my audition i didn't screw up on were also good. So why are people trying to make it seem like i was picked by age. I'm not going to mess up at games. By then I will have enough practice where it will be second nature. Again, people make it seem like what I have earned is a bad thing. Man im sorry you didn't get it, but hating me isn't going to do anything. Getting your friends to hate me isn't going to do anything. Hat Mr.L isn't going to do anything. Why don't you guys get that.
I'm lost, help me please. i need a light.
wel, congrats to me, this is a test of my new comments system
test test