So, ive been watching the people at my school latly, and it's kind of funny. Not just the people at my school, but people in general. The majority of people, let their emotions get in the way of everything. They let their emotions blind them. So someone gets mad, and they are completely oblivious to everything except the single thought they are thinking. It's like they lose sight of everything, and their minds can only process one thing at a time! People need to learn to control their emotions, including myself. I am proud of myself becuase I was getting pretty agrivated, and i managed to srug it off in a matter of minutes. It feels godd when you do something right. The hard part is acctually doing it.
I think that the trick s to step back, and look at how much this wil acctually effect everything. Say I was pissed becuase i didn't want to do something, and someone made me do it. Let's say that I just hated what I had to do and got really pissed. The kind of anger where you want revenge. I know, most of the time you know how to stop being just dont want to! Well, Just take a few seconds and think, if I went around people and was like "I'm really pissed at this person, I hate them!!!" What would everyone think?? im sure they would think lower of you. Now I'm not the kind of person that is like, oh I care what everyone thinks about me. There are a few people who influence me whom I look up to, but not many.
I do care how ever, how people persive my attitude. Attitude is the most contagious of our emotions. If you are angery at someone, and you express it publically, then people usually take one of two sides. First, there is the "I'm with you side. Yeah I agree, that person sucks. He/she is a terrible person. What they did to you is awful!!" etc., you get my drift. Then there is the sid ethat just thinks your a worse person. "Oh jeez, there he goes again. He needs to stop hating people...." etc...again you get my drift.
So just try to avoid these kinds of things in the future.


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