I have a request from two of my friends.

When two people talk, there is an expected courteously and politeness that both people should show no matter the circumstance. Apparently, some people can't handle the fact that if something were to happen between them (say. Breaking up) the same, if not more courtesy should be given and returned. Love and Life are a never ending duel. Duels are played by the rules and have their own form or politeness. Actually, I am tired and can't explain it in any cool metaphorical way. So, Guys, when the kind lady breaks up with you, then calls you and is nice to you; return her kindness and be polite. Not some thick headed mono tone "woe is me" because you have it easy and it isn't then end of the world so shut up and move on with life!

Thank You, don't take any of this personally.


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