"The yin and yang represent all the opposite principles one finds in the universe. Under yang are the principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, nce, and so on, and under yin are the principles of femaleness, the moon, completion, cold, darkness, material forms, submission, and so on. Each of these opposites produce the other: Heaven creates the ideas of things under yang, the earth produces their material forms under yin, and vice versa; creation occurs under the principle of yang, the completion of the created thing occurs under yin, and vice versa, and so on. This production of yin from yang and yang from yin occurs cyclically and constantly, so that no one principle continually tes the other or determines the other. All opposites that one experiences—health and sickness, wealth and poverty, power and submission—can be explained in reference to the temporary nce of one principle over the other. Since no one principle tes eternally, that means that all conditions are subject to change into their opposites."

The Chinese have a symbol for the way of life. It is called the Yin-Yang. It represents equality. Equality of everything. Everyone should have equality in their lives. Whether it is in friends, family, or just way of life. Friends, for example,: You should strive to have friends that have the same interests, and some that are the exact opposite. Families should do things that represent their interests, and try new things to expand their horizons. In life, you should do things that are equal opposites. Learn and teach, speak and listen, give and receive. When all is equal, there is no conflict.

Please find peace within yourself.


I have a request from two of my friends.

When two people talk, there is an expected courteously and politeness that both people should show no matter the circumstance. Apparently, some people can't handle the fact that if something were to happen between them (say. Breaking up) the same, if not more courtesy should be given and returned. Love and Life are a never ending duel. Duels are played by the rules and have their own form or politeness. Actually, I am tired and can't explain it in any cool metaphorical way. So, Guys, when the kind lady breaks up with you, then calls you and is nice to you; return her kindness and be polite. Not some thick headed mono tone "woe is me" because you have it easy and it isn't then end of the world so shut up and move on with life!

Thank You, don't take any of this personally.


one who has a strong soul, purpose, and heart will succed in life. No matter what they do, they will be great. whether they are the knight in shining armor, the mysterious man in the black cloak, or the poor beggar. Whatever they do, they will be the the best at it. This I know. It is written in my heart and my soul, as it should be in everyone. You will be great David, and you will be a legend*. Try not to be what others are, but what the others are afraid to be.

Remeber that and you will go far.


*=Heros are rememberd, Legends are not forgotten -Anonymous

Dont let your love, pass you by.
Weep not for the memories.

-Sarah McLachlan

In other words.
Dont get too full of your self, dont get caught up in love too far, and dont give a crap about the past unless it directly affects you.

a few things to keep in mind throught life.



wanting to have someone with you at a certin time.
i guess it will only make that time, with that person, when it gets there of course; that much better.
i will wait for that time and and know that i will treause it forever and i will savor every moment of it.
i will be sad when it is over and happy when it happens again.
i will just wait for it then...right here...
wanting it


someone (11:18:39 PM): i mean, what if i only like her like i do because shes my first friend? But i dont feel like thats it...BUT I DONT KNOW!
someone (11:18:43 PM): I JUST DONT KNOW

someone (11:18:47 PM): what is ove?
Saline CJR (11:19:01 PM): ove-
Saline CJR (11:19:08 PM): its cutting it off
someone (11:19:44 PM): thats what dating is so ove(cutting it off) it dosent make sense to me
someone (11:20:05 PM): its not a word in the dictionary
Saline CJR (11:20:08 PM): My first "girlfriend" I felt that way as far as I can tell and it was becuase
Saline CJR (11:20:17 PM): dating is so o-v-e- - - - - -
Saline CJR (11:20:18 PM): there
Saline CJR (11:20:26 PM): did it cut it off again
someone (11:20:41 PM): ic
someone (11:20:50 PM): what were you saying about your first friend?
Saline CJR (11:20:56 PM): becuase it was that she was first and I didnt know what else there was
someone (11:21:13 PM): yeah, but how will you know if you dont go out there?
Saline CJR (11:21:20 PM): I am out there
someone (11:21:24 PM): im saying this in question to your rule
someone (11:21:30 PM): maybe
someone (11:21:33 PM): but how do you know!
someone (11:21:35 PM): ?
someone (11:21:38 PM): hmmmm?
someone (11:21:45 PM): how do you know any of this is real?
Saline CJR (11:21:50 PM): someone said to me
someone (11:21:58 PM): how do i know your real
Saline CJR (11:22:01 PM): real is only what we persieve it to be
someone (11:22:02 PM): how do you know im real
someone (11:22:08 PM): EXACTLY
someone (11:22:21 PM): which is why i have trouble believing life
Saline CJR (11:22:25 PM): I persieve that on the other end of this im there is someone
Saline CJR (11:22:33 PM): you may not be you but you are someone
someone (11:22:40 PM): im no one
Saline CJR (11:22:40 PM): THEN DONT BELIVE IT
Saline CJR (11:22:52 PM): sorry
someone (11:22:56 PM): ha its ok
Saline CJR (11:23:00 PM): not trying to be mean , just true
someone (11:23:04 PM): i know
Saline CJR (11:23:12 PM): ok good
someone (11:23:14 PM): but if i dont believe in anything whats the point in living
Saline CJR (11:23:28 PM): if you truly belive that then there is none
Saline CJR (11:23:39 PM): please dont kill your self on what I sayd
Saline CJR (11:23:41 PM): said*
someone (11:23:46 PM): of course not
Saline CJR (11:23:55 PM): thx
Saline CJR (11:23:57 PM): anyway
someone (11:24:02 PM): not enough willpower
someone (11:24:20 PM): i cant stop trying to figure out the impossible
Saline CJR (11:24:29 PM): they said to me something about being embaresed when they talked about me and her. If I truly loved someone, then I would have her full trust and her mine
someone (11:24:31 PM): or figure out anything for that matter
Saline CJR (11:24:39 PM): thus I knew that she wouldnt be cheating
someone (11:25:01 PM): she "cheated" on you at this age?
Saline CJR (11:25:03 PM): or if a friend were to joke about hitting on her, I wouldnt care becuase i knew that she is devoted tome
Saline CJR (11:25:05 PM): no
Saline CJR (11:25:15 PM): i didnt love her young grasshopper
someone (11:25:17 PM): ah i see now
someone (11:25:31 PM): theres a problem though
Saline CJR (11:25:39 PM): what
someone (11:25:57 PM): if i truly love her, what keeps her from not loving me?
someone (11:25:58 PM): nothign
Saline CJR (11:26:27 PM): love is not a magnet
someone (11:26:33 PM): I know
Saline CJR (11:26:38 PM): it is not a mathamatical equation
someone (11:27:02 PM): but to be completly honest colin, and i hope you dont take any offense to this, but i dont fully trust anyone
Saline CJR (11:27:05 PM): it's not ballenced. You could love the out of some chick and she could not know that you exsist
Saline CJR (11:27:12 PM): niether do i
someone (11:27:16 PM): not you, my parents, her
someone (11:27:18 PM): no one
Saline CJR (11:27:22 PM): :::cough cough paranoid cough cough:::
Saline CJR (11:27:24 PM): jk
Saline CJR (11:27:28 PM): wait
someone (11:27:28 PM): lol
Saline CJR (11:27:31 PM): yse I do
someone (11:27:31 PM): maybe its true
Saline CJR (11:27:36 PM): I trust the ones I love
someone (11:27:36 PM): maybe i am paranoid
someone (11:27:43 PM): I dont trust the ones i love
Saline CJR (11:28:00 PM): If you want to truly love then that is a barrier that you will have to break through
Saline CJR (11:28:08 PM): what kind of love is that?
someone (11:28:13 PM): actually, i trust my father, but when i say i trust him
Saline CJR (11:28:14 PM): it is none that i know of
someone (11:28:27 PM): its My love
Saline CJR (11:28:41 PM): well
Saline CJR (11:28:52 PM): she, nor anyone else, works on your love
someone (11:28:59 PM): I love/loved my brother, and i cant trust him with anything 0%
someone (11:29:21 PM): i can trust you and the people i love 99%
someone (11:29:43 PM): but im not talking about the kind of trust like ... can you deposit 2000 dollars of my money into my bank account
someone (11:29:47 PM): jsut incase you are
Saline CJR (11:29:50 PM): It is something you are going to either change about everyone else, of you will need to change about yourself; and I really dont think it could every possibly be the former
someone (11:30:03 PM): i cant change myself
Saline CJR (11:30:11 PM): well than you cant live life
Saline CJR (11:30:23 PM): change is something that you have to do
Saline CJR (11:30:29 PM): you need to be flexible
someone (11:30:33 PM): i can change what i eat
Saline CJR (11:30:46 PM): you dont eat yourself
Saline CJR (11:30:48 PM): ...
Saline CJR (11:30:54 PM): or atleast I hope not
someone (11:30:57 PM): and i can change bad things, but things that i believe are good i cant change
someone (11:31:03 PM): not lately =)
someone (11:31:05 PM): j/k
someone (11:31:27 PM): and i believe that not trusting people completely 100% is a good thing
Saline CJR (11:31:35 PM): well
Saline CJR (11:31:39 PM): I cant change that either
Saline CJR (11:31:46 PM): but other people dont work like that
Saline CJR (11:31:58 PM): I think that that is a sucky deal
someone (11:32:01 PM): ah, not trusting anyone and not trusting some completly are two different things
Saline CJR (11:32:22 PM): a woman will put her full trust and devotion into you for you to just only Partially trust them
someone (11:32:37 PM): i hope no one trust me 100%
Saline CJR (11:32:44 PM): yeah, but most non-yous can trust people
Saline CJR (11:33:00 PM): I trust that you are telling me the truth on most things
someone (11:33:05 PM): because it will be a big let down when i do something untrustworthy
Saline CJR (11:33:12 PM): Exactly
Saline CJR (11:33:16 PM): but
Saline CJR (11:33:25 PM): if you dont keep saying that you dont trust everyone
someone (11:33:34 PM): and we all do things untrustworthy sometime in our life
Saline CJR (11:33:40 PM): and you know that there are people that you love and trust, life is a hell of a lot easier
Saline CJR (11:33:49 PM): yeah but they arnt THAT bad
someone (11:34:12 PM): for instance! Him1 and Him2 probally had full trust in me. and i let them down big time
Saline CJR (11:34:13 PM): the only untrustworthy thing that can't be forgivin is being untrustworthy
Saline CJR (11:34:31 PM): well, Him 1 and Him 2 let you down too
Saline CJR (11:34:54 PM): that was a too big a problem to have only been driven by one person
Saline CJR (11:35:15 PM): but let's please not get into that
someone (11:35:24 PM): they had every reason to let me down, although i dont believe in letting someone down because they let you down, but thats they way it goes
someone (11:35:27 PM): ok
Saline CJR (11:35:58 PM): trust only goes so far
Saline CJR (11:36:06 PM): the limit on trust is life and
someone (11:36:18 PM): i dont get it i guess
Saline CJR (11:36:18 PM): i trust that my friends wont kill me
Saline CJR (11:36:23 PM): right
someone (11:36:26 PM): really?
Saline CJR (11:36:28 PM): for me, that is enough
Saline CJR (11:36:43 PM): "everything should be made a simpla as possible, but not more than that."
Saline CJR (11:36:47 PM): YES really
someone (11:36:51 PM): einstine
someone (11:36:54 PM): said that dident he
someone (11:36:58 PM): ?
Saline CJR (11:37:06 PM): I trust that you wont spin around in the movies and cap me in the head!
Saline CJR (11:37:10 PM): yes he did
someone (11:37:20 PM): my point is that happens and people cant control it
someone (11:37:25 PM): im sure you've lied before right?
Saline CJR (11:37:27 PM): you are right
Saline CJR (11:37:32 PM): but they can deal with it
someone (11:37:42 PM): sometimes
Saline CJR (11:37:58 PM): look at the past and say, "Look! It's the past! Who Fricken CARES!!!"
someone (11:38:08 PM): in my situation me, Him 1, Him2 couldnt deal with it
Saline CJR (11:38:15 PM): apperently not
someone (11:38:25 PM): i say LOOK its the past what have i done!?!?!?!?
someone (11:38:37 PM): i cant forgive myself
someone (11:39:07 PM): i dont think anyone really understands what happend with me during/after this Him 1/Him 2 fiasco.... and im sure i dont understand what happened to them
someone (11:39:13 PM): its a bitch of a thing
Saline CJR (11:39:25 PM): YES IT IS!
Saline CJR (11:39:30 PM): no one does understand
Saline CJR (11:39:38 PM): since we dont
someone (11:39:45 PM): you know, even though i disagree with a lot of what your saying, this makes me feel much better
Saline CJR (11:39:50 PM): the best thing to do is just to leave it be and say what happend happend
Saline CJR (11:39:59 PM): that's what friends are for
someone (11:40:13 PM): yeah, but i wasnt a friend
someone (11:40:15 PM): a friend wouldnt do what i did
Saline CJR (11:40:16 PM): My purpose in life is to help people
someone (11:40:19 PM): or woudl they!
someone (11:40:22 PM): because i did
someone (11:40:26 PM): and i dident want to
Saline CJR (11:40:29 PM): shut up
someone (11:40:33 PM): you think i like losing two friends
someone (11:40:33 PM): no
someone (11:40:37 PM): but i gained two also...
someone (11:40:46 PM): and my point being i couldnt control it
someone (11:41:29 PM): i have to worry about 3 because thats the way i am... Him 1, Him 2, and me
someone (11:41:44 PM): its just how i work, i know it sounds selfish, but its the way it is
Saline CJR (11:42:11 PM): it's not selfish, it's human reflex
someone (11:42:16 PM): see, i dident know you felt that way
someone (11:42:25 PM): although it dosent suprise me much
Saline CJR (11:42:26 PM): i dont going around in the ghetto not worrying about what I am doing
Saline CJR (11:42:59 PM): well thats how I feel
someone (11:43:04 PM): im glad that i know
Saline CJR (11:43:19 PM): I know that you and Him 1and Him 2 and all of my other friends have some sort of feeling for me
Saline CJR (11:43:37 PM): My trust consists of helping my friends in anyway possible
someone (11:43:42 PM): i dont Him 1 or Him 2, i wish they would be more forgiving thats really all
Saline CJR (11:44:02 PM): though when 3 of them start smacking eachother around, theres not much I can do without hurting the other one
someone (11:44:39 PM): all i try and do is make the people around me be as comfortable
Saline CJR (11:45:14 PM): see, I leave the people around me to be comfertable them selves, but if they need help doing it, then I will help them
Saline CJR (11:45:21 PM): We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it.
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 - 1973), December 13, 1963
someone (11:45:43 PM): im stilll drawing my lesson
Saline CJR (11:46:02 PM): but right now, you are doing a field lesson
Saline CJR (11:46:09 PM): you are living in it still
Saline CJR (11:47:32 PM): you are more like Herb Caen
Saline CJR (11:47:37 PM): I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there.
Herb Caen
someone (11:48:06 PM): i really hope my life isnt in the past
Saline CJR (11:48:16 PM): so here is the best solution, noticed how I said best not easiest
Saline CJR (11:48:23 PM): Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)
Saline CJR (11:48:43 PM): well, If you keep worrying about what happend before rigt now than you are
Saline CJR (11:48:50 PM): right*
someone (11:48:54 PM): maybe
someone (11:50:04 PM): sometimes i just dont want to take a shower... i just ask why... why the hell do people change how they smell from their normal smell... im sure normally everyone smells close to the same, so why do they care if they smell like that
someone (11:50:26 PM): its such a waste of time, but then again, so is a lot of what i do
someone (11:50:34 PM): holy crap, its almost 12
Saline CJR (11:50:42 PM): ok
someone (11:50:44 PM): i know

It seems that many of my friends, when they get down, start putting them selves down. Now, this sounds so 3rd grade i know, but still. Then they go into that denial "I suck" mode. That is the #1 off Colin right there. It also ruins everyone elses day. Anyway, what is the point of a "loveing relationship" of you arn't going to get married? I mean come on! I am not going to "go out with anyone unless I really feel that they are someone that I could live with for a while. Then I would try to over the summer and see how things go.....Love is so ove ...ha ha ha


Tonight, I am going to make my point in the form of a story type deal.
so, Here goes.......

As they walked, hand in hand, away from the fire; they casually swpped the normal conversation pieces. Watching as the calm tide slowly made it's ever rising climb to high tide, the sat in the cool summer's night, beach air. They passed through the usuall topics of happiness, love, friends, and family.
"What do you think about life?" She said. "Life? Like what?" " Like anything," she replied.
"O.K. Well...I think of life as a big game of Euchre." He explained. "Riiiiiight," she said, trying to see how this would work.
"Well, you are dealt your cards. Five of them. Each of them representing apart of you. Apperence, Mind, Spirit, household, and wealth. You partner is anyone that can help you win. Then Trump is called. Trump represents what the most important at the time. Sometimes you can change the outcome of your cards. Other times, you can't. Who ever wins is the most liked among the group of players (aka the world)."
"Wow," she said, "I guess it makes sense."
"It makes more than you think." He said

They then walked back across the beach towards the flickering pattern of lights and the endless chater of the ones they loved.