My Research Questions

Larger Developmental Context
  • When/with whom was the first completely vegan diet?
  • Why did animals invade diets?
  • How did veganism as a social movement come about? 
  • Why do people choose to eat/live vegan?
  • Is there a future for veganism? Will it become the new standard of living?
Internal History
  • How has veganism developed over the years?
  • When the terms vegan, vegetarian, lacto/ovo, etc. first occur?
  • How has scientific knowledge contributed to diet modifications?
  • How have vegan diets changed over the years?
  • How have the reasons for living/eating vegan changed over the years?
Structure & Composition
Larger System
  • How has the creation of veganism as a movement affect the food industry?
  • How did the development of lactose tolerance and agriculture integrate animals into human lifestyles and diets?
  • How does living/eating vegan affect the environment?
  • How does living/eating vegan affect a person's social/community standing in different environments? Why?
  • Why are the rates of veganism/vegatrianism higher in queers?
  • What is the relationship between vegans and other demographics? (age, ethnicity, general health, location, upbringing, religion, world view, personality) Why?
Fit together as system
  • How do vegans interact with each other?
  • Do vegans relate closest with vegans who feel the same as they do?
  • How do people's choices to be vegan affect their views of the vegan movement?
  • What is the relationship of people who wear/live vegan, eat vegan, or do both? Why?
  • Why are there issues like honey? What are the big contentious points of veganism?
  • What are the different types of vegan diets/lifestyles?
  • Do the diets/lifestyles differ around the world?
  • What are the different reasons for being vegan?
  • Are vegans viewed (by vegans and/or non-vegans) as different depending on their reasons for becoming vegan? Is this a hieracrchy
  • How do vegans order themselves? Does age or number of years vegan play a role?
Compare & Contrast
  • How do vegan lifestyles differ from non-vegan lifestyles?
  • Are vegans more consious of non-vegan related surroundings than non-vegans?
  • Just how much 'healthier' are strict vegans than lacto/ovo vegetarians and pescatarians?
  • How is veganism as a social movement present in other countries/cultures? Why?
  • How do strict vegans, lacto/ovos, and pescatarian's differ publicly?
  • How do the ideas and lifestyles of vegans by choice and vegans by upbringing C&C?
+ > -
  • Why is veganism NOT the norm?
  • If veganism is so amazing and friendly, why is everyone NOT vegan?
  • Why is it NOT a good idea to become vegan? (What are reasons NOT to become a vegan)
  • How is a vegan lifestyle NOT beneficial to people/animals/the planet?
  • How has living/eating vegan NOT benefited people (who have tried it)?
New Context
  • How would the social view/idea of veganism be different if it originally developed in the third world? What if it caught on in the third world today?
  • How would veganism play a role in a perfect, liberal USA?
  • How would veganism be viewed if the presidential family ate vegan?
  • How would veganism as a lifestyle/diet be different if we kept different pets? 
  • How would vegnaism as a lifestyle/diet be different if agribusiness did not exist and the USA went back to small, family owned farms?
If it Never Existed...
  • How would modern food culture be different?
  • What would the argument against obesity and other diet related health issues look like without veganism/vegetarianism?
  • How would food/diet culture be different?
  • How would modern food science be different?
  • Would the idea reemerge in the modern social/economic climate?

For this part, the book suggests looking at questions and ideas you agree and disagree with from sources. As I am just starting this project, I do not have many sources. I will leave these questions for the future.

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