The American Dream
So, I never new it, but the American dream created by mostly Jewish immigrants film moguls getting rich. The underdog, finding your dream, all of the good ones. I also just noticed after watching a trailor for the film Meet the Robinsons that these movies definatly carry a feeling with them. I don't know what it is, maybe hope? But is definatly something that starts days. What I am worried about is that it is the kind of feeling that can only be let down. A feeling, given by these movies of underdogs rising up and making it give me this funny feeling that I can do something. Maybe its the American Feeling: If you work harder enough, you can do anything accompanied by that hope that everything will work out in the end. Unfortunatly, the American Feeling is invariably accompanied by the American Letdown: If you don't make it you didn't work hard enough, it is all your fault. That is completely untrue in my opinion, but it can be this terribly degrading feeling.
What I am trying to dcide right now is if the AF is a bad thing. Working hard, having hope, are those things bad? I hope not, because I love those movies. I love the American Feeling.
That makes me wonder: why would you WANT to wash someone´s vagina, then?!