
Ill begin with a question: Why is it that people aren't able to understand accept other people's beliefs, thoughts, ideas, choices.

Here's an example. I am a vegetarian. My older brother doesn't understand why I am a vegetarian. Therefore, it is somehow a crime that I don't eat meat and he must make sure that I know that he thinks my belief is dumb. While I am not offended or angered by his continuous comments, I am a little bothered. When someone asks me about it, I tell them. Usually I say something about animal cruelty, wasting energy, cholesterol, and chemicals. Then he says something like, "Well I still eat animals." In some mysterious fashion, that is the answer and end all and he leaves the conversation. I'm not quite sure how that works. I get the same answer even when I am minding my own business, say, when I am watching a video on animal cruelty and he walks into the room. He then says something like, "I don't want to see that! Even if I did, I will still eat animals." Again, what he says doesn't offend me or anything, I have nothing against people who eat meat, seriously. That's just as much of a choice as my not eating meat, or you eating brussel sprouts (I do too,mmm). Who cares! Somehow I offend him or anger him in some way that he needs to defend his right to eat animals with me even saying anything.

What I don't understand is why he can't just accept a decision like that and say ok, cool, who cares? I mean seriously. Why do things like this always happen? Why must people always make a big idea of things? It's the same kinda deal with drinking. (around 2:50)

Like I said before, why can't people just accept it. Why does what we do define who we are? I know that what we do is a part of who we are just as much as our personalities, beliefs, and other things. Yet somehow, it is only one or two things that make us who we are to other people.

Its the same as being gay. Why does it matter to people? Why can't you just take it as fact that it is who I am and not worry about it. I don't need you telling me that I am going to hell in your religion because I like guys or because I don't eat meat or because I don't have an imaginary friend. I don't need you to tell me that you are better than me because you believe in god or you eat meat or you think that homosexuality is wrong. But even if you do that's cool. I'm not going to hold it against you. I judge people on personality and their actions that concern me. You eating meat, the only way that could concern me is that I'm glad that there is no possibility that you would want to eat me.

So please, why does it matter? Why do my decisions about myself and my own actions, that have nothing to do with you, matter to you?

13 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    you know I love you dearly, as I always have. but why do you care so much what they think? if they´re gonna be such a bunch of bum eyes...es, to hold stuff against you, then forget them. I mean, not your brother, unless you wanted to. but maybe you should make fun of him for eating meat. ooooor just put on your headphones and LET ANYONE KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT THEY THINK. that´s what I do, it´s quite cool! I know you´re thinking, ,,she is so fucking callous, how coulded she not cares what people thinks??" well. I do sometimes. but it is not worth getting upset over, Monsieur. the reindeer help the ignoring process, by the way.

  2. Colin says:

    You're the best C.
    I love you too, and I'm so happy for you

  3. Anonymous says:

    my mum usually says, ,,put on your big girl knickers and deal with it." then I remind her I´m not wearing any knickers and she shudders. rockers do not wear knickers. my advice to you: ditch the knickers.

    not really commenting, but now I wonder: http://kevan.org/nohari?name=Julita

    fare well!

  4. Anonymous says:

    To examine your brother getting anxious at your vegetarianism, I present for your consideration this parallel:

    Your brother becomes devoutly religious and a follower of the beliefs of Phelps. *shudder* He then goes around your house shouting "HOMOSEXUALS ARE EVIL! HOMOSEXUALS ARE EVIL!"

    You wouldn't be the least bit threatened by that? If you are a vegetarian because you think eating meat is cruel to animals, you are (not with words, but with actions, which speak louder) telling your brother he is being cruel by eating meat. By assuming the moral highground by not eating meat, you cast him to the position of moral inferiority.

    It's one of the reason I react poorly to people who say they don't eat meat because it's immoral (because of cruelty to animal bullshit). Simply the virtue of being alive does not entitle critters to humane treatment; why draw the line at the animal kingdom? Everything you eat was living at one point as well. Don't eat lettuce; prevent cruelty to living organisms.

    If you don't want to eat meat, that's totally fine. But be aware that it induces certain reactions from some people. Being gay will get you some people that will tell you they believe you're going to hell, but being Christian exposes you to alot of hatred from alot of people. No matter what your stand on any issue, it comes with a price; that price doesn't necessarily mean your position is bad or wrong... but you definitely should bear that price without complaint.


  5. Colin says:

    Yeah, I agree A. That just about covers it...hahaha, well done!

  6. Anonymous says:

    real Christians are like me...maybe disagreeing with this or that, but loving you sons of bitches despite being English anyway. and also, we don´t wear underwear.

  7. Anonymous says:

    and I also don´t think you have to explain your reasons for not eating meat any more than someone has to explain their reasons for eating meat. I don´t make anyone else fuck around verbally, why should they put me on the spot? you don´t want us to be vegetarians, fine, then! Colin, let´s become CANNIBALS!! and eat them! and Ingrid Newkirk! or something. I avoid meat a lot because of things I won´t mention here (could it be a sex thing? maybe! it must be asked! oh no!) and also because of Lauri. well döööööh. but I have got all plans to have a reindeer farm someday. and then the veganism will go aus dem Fenster. but I don´t have to explain myself to anyone. I just sing songs by Hansi Hinterseer and he saves my ickle life!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Eciralc makes a legitimate point-- that is my interpretation of Christian doctrine as well. However, in saying REAL Christians leave the judging to God, he's making a pretty severe indictment against Christians who do not agree with him. He's saying they're not really real Christians.


  9. P Lee says:

    the phrase, "real christians are like me", kind of scares the shit out of me. isn't that how mass genocide happens?


  10. Colin says:

    Yeah, almost. I liek Sam Harris's view on religion. He says that the wars and problems come from complete udder faith and literaly beleif in the holy text. One might now say, "but our holy text is about love!" If your holy text is the Bible or the Q'uran you are a liar. They are both most certainly about killing people who aren't of your religion. Lucky for everone in the States, we no longer like in the 'stupid fucker period' and can understand that just because someone believes different things doesn't mean they have to be beaten with sticks. No, no sticks, something more violent! These are heathens we are talking about!
    ****Gore Warning, but its true!***
    How about shakling them to a table and turning a couldron of mice upside down on their bellies. Of Course then you have to heat up the bottom of the couldron so the mice burrow their ways out...through the person!
    ****Done...but True!******
    And don't even try for the Q'uran. Literally, on almost every page there is some saying making sure people hate non-muslims and and get rewarded for killing them. I have to say that they have a pretty hard faith. Either be a Muslim and kill non-Muslims and go to heaven and pave the way for 99 or so friends and family. Or Be a non-Muslim and be killed by one to pave the wayy for 99 of their freinds and family!

    .....Sorry. That just kinda came out. I would prefer if all christians are like her. Instead we get silly people like this! OMG

    I have to say that scares me. I'm afraid for a GIANT religious war and unfortunatly for those non religious people, I think we may be going first because if we get fundimentallists on both sides, there is only one group they hate more than the other side, witches, warlocks, commies...oh wait, athiests there we go. But hey, when they are the ones with big ass raving mad armies, we are whatever they want us to be.

    Don't say anything mean to me or I will turn you into a toad with my lack of religiousness!!!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Read that. Pay attention to the quote at the end - "Never confuse the faith with the supposedly faithful".

    Christianity is about love. It's true, there's alot of violence in the old testament, but Christianity, while including the old testament, is not ABOUT the old testament. It's about the love of Jesus Christ. (Hence the Christ in Christian). He wasn't about violence and he wasn't about condemnation; there is no way anyone can credibly say that Jesus is about anything but love.

    The bible as a whole is not about violence or killing or destruction. It CONTAINS killing and violence, but that's not what it's ABOUT. The bible is ABOUT our relationship with god and the salvation of our souls. Not killing non-believers.

    Please don't malign ALL Christians because SOME Christians make questionable choices in the pursuit of holiness.


  12. Colin says:


    Im so glad to see reasonable loving people!!! YAY and, to make everything better, I have reasonable loving peple as my friends! Life is good!

  13. Anonymous says:

    You don't eat meat anymore????
    Wow, I've missed a lot.

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