kinda wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. i really wish I did. Im thniking I will major in spansh and be all awesome and fluent...then i need to major in something else. hmmm, maybe i dunno...any ideas? maybew buisness or something. I dunno. Maybe parks and rec... or experiential educaiton, or physics. I really have no idea. Give me some ideas please!!!!!

Your Pirate Name?
by prsngrly
Real Name
Pirate NameOne-Eyed Bottle Op'ner --> Your famous for your one eye, sure, but your drunkenness is known worldwide
Daily Salary$17,861,077
Quiz created with MemeGen!



It seems to me that now and days, respect is little more than an oldie Aretha Franklin hit. Unfortunately, or culture has seemed to lost some of the most basic respect there is. The respect for people and places.
To me, everyone that I have just met or don't know very well deserves respect. When I get to know them better, and we become friends, most of the time, the respect is shown in a different form. This is one , if not only, exception I see for respect to people. I have been told many times to " Respect my elders". When that is said to me, I think that they see me as some rambunctious youth that wont listen and runs around a lot. But im not. I am a human being, just like everyone else, capable of thought. This thought has led me to the realization that not just elders deserve respect. All people should be given respect. Then obviously, when you become more than acquaintances, the rules of social interaction change, and you can be more open... and such. This goes for all people, regardless of age.
In addition, places deserve respect. A lot of times people will shows respect to a place without thinking about it. For example, a place like a teen center usually stays nice and isn't vandalized because it provides a place for kids to go, thus they aren't going to mess it up. This seems to be the one my generation is missing. For example, my fourth hour. I love my fourth hour with a passion. It gives me a gateway to a kind of learning I have never experienced. This is the reason I stay after sometimes and help organize of clean up a little. I like the class, thus, I will respect it. I like the teacher, I know that he wants it to be nice and organized. He has shown me respect in the past few weeks, thus I show him respect, in the form of helping out, in return.
I just wish that more people could be nicer to each other.

I mean come on guys, show a little respect...
Just a little bit, just a little bit

WEll, I just got back from the MRPA confernce and let me tell you it was quite a trip. I met the person that is the complete and total embodyment of what I want to be, and learned a few things about myself. Thanks everyone, especially you, for showing me what I can do, and who I can really be.