The Uber religious people... and how much i them.
Ok, so I can imagine that when people believe in a religion, they are usually devoted to it to some extent. I'm cool with that. Most religions will have a punishment for not believeing in it, thus the believers try to get non-believers to do it too... as a kind of help right? Well think about this religious people. Most people know the major religions, and what they are all about. If they wanted to be in your religion wouldn't you think they would have joined already? Yeah, it just es me off.

Never Underestimating the power of stupid people in large groups
In fact, never underestemate stupid people in general. I just can't stand it when people vandalize things, or hurt other people either for the heck of it, or for fun, or for pop ularity, or for... I could go on. One of the things that es me off the most is when people hurt them selves. , self-mutilation, drinking alcohol. Especially underage drinking. HOLY CRAP MAN!!! There are kids in my area that are poisoning themselves, it just disgusts me!

The Evils of humanity

Getting caught in the moment
Words of advice, don't get caught up in the moment and do something stupid.

It only takes one person to start a group of stupidity
Oh how true that is.

Humans are not very smart as a whole

We have stopped the who natural selection/Evolution thing
Yeah, Darwins theory. By creating things like glasses, and advanced medical breakthroughs, we have stopped natural selection. Take my earlier example of glasses. Before, those with bad eye sight would be (at the most extreme case) eliminated from the gene pool. Thus we would no longer have poorly sighted people. By creating glasses, we have stopped that process and thus halted the Human evolutionary process in most aspects.

bad moods are contagious

Risks are one of the most fun things in the world, the more you will lose if you fail... the more ecxiting it is
YES THEY ARE. That rush of adrenaline, they wager on the table, don't know if you will win or lose....SOOO MUCH FUN! ....untill you lose. he he he

Peace Out


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