Aren't emotions the most mind-boggling things? They are the only things that can't be manipulated overall by other people. Yes, that's right! Other people can manipulate/influence our thoughts and ideals if we are not careful. But emotions...nooooooo! Somehow, are dreams are related to our emotions. So usually our dreams represent our emotions. I have had a sad dream where a guy that I don't really know, but know what he looks like dies. Anyway, Emotions are the most powerful thing that humans have, but the problem is that there is no effective way to express them. That is what gets me all upset. Emotions are also the most destructive and constructive things we have. Emotions show love, security, truth, sorrow, and even your deepest thoughts. People should always be checking that they are true to themselves and listen to themselves. If you didn't understand that, you don't need to know what it meant. If one is not at peace with them self, their bodies will find ways of attracting attention to themselves so they can get help. Please, everyone one who reads this, make sure that you are at peace with yourself. If you are just sit down and think about it. Check Ya later!

Ok...there are two kinds of people in this world...again...those who can count and..Oh sorry wrong thing (as you can tell I am in a light mood tonight) there are the leader (even though the word leader is overly used and stereotyped) and the followers. The reason I only mentioned one leader is for every leader (...grrrr...) there are approx. 243.789 followers. Thus creating a Roman type mini-civilization in the area. Of course I usually talk about me in high school thus the it would be making a gang like clique. Now whether the good or evil (for lack of a better phrase) is their decision, BUT! The followers have the power to revolt but don't. I will talk more on this topic tomorrow. Now to where I was getting at. There are also (again for lack of a better phrase) good and evil leaders. Now the evil ones usually were either a single child or the youngest child because in most cases they are the spoiled brats who think they are always right and who are always beat up because of that. So these evil leaders start out by finding a few moldable people and mold them (...I bet you didn't see that coming...) into evil rotten "do what master tells me" robots. Thus furthering their "I'm always right" ego. Now eventually the group gets larger and larger. This is about the time when they become completely self-obsessed, power hungry, corrupt, and other evil stuff people. They keep growing until they are challenged either by another evil group or a good group. The Evil vs. Evil battle usually end up gruesome (and by battle I mean like a mental battle for who?s purpose...even though they are both bad... is better; and by gruesome I mean there are many followers who are lost, don't know who to go to, and who end up having to purpose in life...unless they try to carry on their bosses intentions.) Now in the good vs. evil fights, they are usually shorter cleaner and more effective for bringing people to their senses. After their battle the followers who are lost are able to join the good group and live a good life. Now these battles aren't like gang battles in an old and unpopulated subway station and the good guys are like the police force from the civil war. No, these are more like everyday people looking for a purpose in life. I (considered a leader type) choose my purpose in life to be to change other people?s lives. Now that may sound dumb to some, but think what do you really want to accomplish before you die? What better way than to make yourself live forever in other people's memories. I will take it upon my self to teach the people whose lives I have changed to also follow in my footsteps one way or another. Now I will go more in depth about the high school version of this tomorrow along with the followers realizing that they can do what they what a's called what you want....... or at least to some extent.

The worst thing that a person (who has feelings) can do is to whole-heartedly promise a child, and to defy that promise. I mean really, think about it, a kid puts his faith into you and you let him down. Defiance is a terrible thing. Even if it is a little thing, the outcome can be a whole lot bigger than you ever suspected. For example, some one tells you that you are good at something for the whole year and then doesn't follow what he/she has been saying. It really pisses me off. Imagine if someone said something to you that changed your life and lifted your spirits, every time you think of them you are happier and happier, then you find out what the had been saying was all lies. All of that happiness is instantly drained for you. The main difference between someone who cares about other people and someone who only cares about them selves is if they can tell someone something meaningful and hold to it. Although people can change, it is very hard to. "People seldom change and bad habits die hard." Again this brings me to people who are power hungry and full of corruption. That will be my next entry. From these entries I hope that those who read them gain knowledge of what is out there and to what lengths people will go to get what they want.

To start this blog, I am going to state part of my theory of privacy. What is privacy really but us keeping our thoughts in our mind? It really takes great skill and courage to speak your true thoughts. That is probably why we like to have a lot of privacy. We are afraid of how the people who hear us are going to act. If you think about it though, everyone should have no privacy. That way every one would feel free to express their thoughts. But then if that happened, where would every one learn courage? Since many people are not very good public speakers, when they do speak it takes a lot of courage that thy have gathered in anticipation. It is just like nature, if you add too much of one thing, it screws up everything else. The government doesn't want the population to know a lot of things, why? Because that would mean letting them know what everyone says, including the crazy people who want to take over the world. Part (but not much) of the government's reason for privacy is to protect us. They want to protect us from those crazy people. It also seems to me that we have privacy for our self-comfort. We like to keep things secret so that it won't get around. If someone new how to build a very large and very powerful new weapon of mass destruction, he wouldn't tell anyone how. 1) Because he wants to keep himself and the world safe. but mostly 2) because he wants to be and stay the most powerful figure in the world. Then that brings in the topic of power and corruption...but that's another theory for another time.