The Last Lecture
by Ralph Williams
How does one write about beauty without losing that which makes it beautiful? Taking something beautiful and turning it into words will never truly capture its essence, but I guess that has always been the case. In a way, that is was makes beauty so special. It is a moment when you are mesmerized, you feel something that you cannot recreate through words or dance or any other kind of medium. Last night, I experienced something beautiful. Something that made me feel and that I can not recreate. Below is an audio recording of the entire Golden Apple Lifetime Acheivement Award Ceremony celebrating and commemorating Professor Ralph Williams.
I admit that I made this recording without any of the speakers knowing, which is probably against the law. Listeners should probably know that my recorder has a tendency to stop recording for small amounts of time when it doesn't hear anything. That is the blipping you hear at the beginning of sentences. I have not listened to the enire thing, but I am afraid that some of Ralph's quieter moments might not be there. If you are really upset about it, you can buy the DVD from the link at the end. Alternatively, you may be able to find it on youtube.
The Giving of the Golden Apple and Ralph Williams' Last Lecture
(Ralph begins his speach around 31m)
Purchase the DVD (Awaiting Link)
Ralph Williams (His website)
Golden Apple (Foundation)
SHOUT (Website)