You know,
Just clicking on the recently added link on the right to My Pictures makes things alot easier.
dont forget to check out the sup folders (especially the one titled Earth Day)
In the Spirit of Earth Day yesterday I too some pictures:
(there are alot and I dont feel like linking them so you can do that yourself
Yay! have fun looking at them!
This has the potential to be very long and on several subjects. I will separate and label each subject as I see fit.
It is an extremely scary thought to think of our government as from the video below. (My eye is is very strange) Seriously though, it is obvious that it has the power. They can do whatever the hell they please and blame it on
I bring up Deism because I know someone would bring up Christianity at some point. (I would say something about Bush being waaaay to into God and bringing that into our politics and I would say it strayed from the founders of the US and they would say that they were Christian and I will say that they were Deist and that you are stupid and that you are talking about things that you have no idea about. I would then encourage them to continue reading and perhaps learn something on the way. In the words of Voltaire, "Let each of us boldly and honestly say: How little it is that I really know!"...that was mean wasn't it?
Firstly Here is the definition of Deism According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Pronunciation: 'dE-"i-z&m, 'dA-
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
: a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe
So in other words, Deism, in the classical belief, is a belief of a God that created the earth and no longer intervenes with its affairs through miracles or the like. There are several beliefs that branch out here. Some believe that he does not intervene because the best of worlds has already been made, therefore no intervening is necessary. Others believe that it is because he created Earth and no longer exists as a separate entity (God is one with the earth). Either way, God created the Earth and no longer does anything to it or its inhabitants. This is also called the clockmaker hypothesis.
Deists believe that God created the Earth and created Man with reason and logic. Man is empowered with reasonable thinking and strives to learn more about the world by obtaining knowledge through various fields of science.
Key founding fathers including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were both believers in Deism. (Please also note that the following presidents were Desit or had Deist affiliations/beliefs: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Tyler, and Abraham Lincoln. )Their beliefs appear in several documents including the Declaration of Independence. I believe that the terms used in this document are some of the most misinterpreted terms ever. The following terms are all words that Deists use to describe their God:
Divine Author
Divine Providence
Divine Watchmaker
Divine Essence
First Cause
Grand Architect of the Universe
Nature's God
The One that is All
The Eternal One
The Living Law (Essene)
The Living Director Principle in All Being
The Governing Being of the Universe
Supreme Being
Supreme Intelligence
*The ones that are bolded indicated their usage in the Declaration of Independence
Therefore, nobody can say that the founding fathers were Christian and that God should be in the government.
***God refers to the Deist and Judo-Christian deity, Man refers to all human beings***
So we are led to believe that our government knows what they are doing. We trust them because they are knowledgeable. Well they must be! we think They have gone to a lot of school to do this! So we lull ourselves into believing that they do what is best for us. AHA! that is where we are wrong. There is a distinct difference between knowing a lot about the government and us, and doing what is best for us. But, because we are waaaaay to trusting of people who know more than we do in certain areas, we blindly say, "Ok do what you want with us! You know best."
This country seems like a bad case of parental abuse. The people in the nation are the child and the government is the parent. We trusted the parent to do what is best for us and they abuse us, therefore losing our trust. Unfortunately, because this is a dysfunctional family, we continue to go back to them because that is all we know. We keep going back and keep getting burned. There is nothing we can do
Oh wait...YES there is! ITS CALLED VOTING! We claim we have a democratic system, (I’m not even going to acknowledge the electoral college because I think it is silly). and we do, but it is defective. It is a democratic system that was born without legs. Everyone can vote, but only 61% of the population does. OOH! 61 percent that’s a lot of people you may think. Yeah it is. But think of how many people in the
88,720,240 !!!!!!!!! Let me write that in words so you can see it better EIGHTY EGHIT MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY PEOPLE
88.7 million people did not vote. Let’s make some comparisons here.
88.7 million people is...
The number of people who saw the best Super bowl ads
5 million more people than the population of
1.5 World War II casualties (total of everyone!)
36 Years worth of Deaths in the
355 I have a dream speeches
825 Sold Out
29,712 September 11, 2001 attacks ?
50,697 Saline High Schools
...and just for fun, If everybody stood shoulder to shoulder, they could rap around the earth one and a third times.
† based on 2005 U.S. Mortality rate as found on the CIA World Fact book
? (isn't it funny how I mention that?)
Hopefully that will encourage you to vote if you can. If you comment at all on current government affairs and don't, vote you are the most (please prepare yourself for a very alliterate use of the thesaurus) abhorrent, abominable, caitiff, corrupt, crooked, despicable, detestable, dirty, disgraceful, dishonorable, egregious, fetid, filthy, fraudulent, heinous, horrid, impure, inequitable, infamous, iniquitous, loathsome, malodorous, monstrous, nasty, nauseating, nefarious, noisome, notorious, offensive, putrid, rank, raunchy, repulsive, revolting, rotten, shady, shameful, squalid, stinking, sullied, tainted, unclean, underhanded, unfair, unjust, unscrupulous, vicious, vile, and wicked hypocrite that has ever come into existence. Period. No excuses.
Voting for our leaders does not fix problems; it eventually either makes problems or prevents them.
Now I know that someone will be an ass and say, "This is a free country, I don't have to vote if I don't want to." I agree. I can't not agree. Naive and Ignorant as it is, it is true. I whole heartedly believe in Liberalism (specifically, a kind of non-extremist libertarianism) (see below) therefore you are at liberty to do what you want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Obviously, not voting does not infringe on anybodies rights. The only thing that happens by not voting is that I lose respect for you and you make our country a worse place. Sorry, did I say that out loud? So go ahead and don't vote asshole, but if anything happens in this government that you don't like you have no right to say anything. In fact I will personally hogtie you and tape your mouth shut if you do. With that said...
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
How true.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Luckily, I don't think things are desperate yet.
I do believe that things could get out of control and we can't let that happen. Pretend with me here, just for an instant, that the government was trying to gain more control over us by fear and increased military power. What can we do. As a means of gun power, we still have the right to have guns (i suppose it is a good thing....?). Now the military has much more power, but we at least have a start. (I love the quote from V for Vendetta: "What usually happens when people without guns go up against people with guns?") Just for an instant we have no control. Just for an instant we are all being monitored. Just for an instant they have all the control and we have none.
Just for an instant, we need to get it back. Just for an instant we need to stand in front of a tank, we need to nonviolently protest the government, we need to sit in the front of the bus, we need to boycott what we don’t believe in. We have the numbers, they have the guns. They won't kill the entire country because there would be nobody left. So please, if you believe in something, stand up for it. A belief is something that you would do, it is not a thought. Because if you don't, who will?
Someone the other day asked what this would accomplish (in response to a certain situation involving a mass resignation from a certain business). Well, they are quitting because of mistreatment and poor quality jobs. They have the right to. Im sure they have already tried talking to them, and since it didn't work, they will leave. They are standing up for what they believe in, workers rights. I think that it is a great idea, if all other options have already been sought out. When workers are mistreated and under appreciated and it isn't something you love doing, then leave. Better yet, stay. Stay and truly reform what is happening. Leaving is abandonment, staying is percervereance and can be revolutionary. Dont quit, reform. Stop complainging and do something, file complaints, make a fuss, hold a strike, but dont give your job to them, make them take it from you while you are making your point. That is what you should my opinion of coursePolitical Views
A year ago, I did not have as firm of a stance in what I believe. Until some things happened and now I will fight for everything I believe in. I used to be moderate, until I learned that what I believed was not moderate. I suppose that I looked at the Liberal and Conservative (United States Politics) extremists and thought I am not either of those, so I am moderate. As I progressed through life, however, I realized that, through a little research of ideology I realized that everything that I saw in the media, heard in the halls or on the street was of extremists because nobody wants to talk or hear about boring stuff. At least boring in their eyes. They want excitement!! They want crazy politicians ripping each other heads off! They want Rush Limbaugh. (Just kidding nobody likes him). And so I found that my views do fit in a category, more or less. Plus I can modify the name of the category as much as I see fit to hold true to my views!
^.^ More to come!! (maybe)