Is there such a paradox of Freudian concept that one can be overwhelmed by things to do, several things, and predominantly use escapeism (an ego defense mechanism) to get away from them, by escaping through the very things which cause the anxeity in the first place?

Quote for a while "Ready are you? What know you of ready? ... This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless." -Yoda

Is the new template working?

Most people produce when they feel like it, leaders produce even when they don't want to.

Building off of the 13th. High School is about academic courseds to prep for college. But! I think it serves a better purpose. Going though so many years of school while we mature into (sometimes not so mature) adults. There is so much we learn about ourselves in high school. I am just disapointed that more people don't take it seriously.
I am loving phsycologyI think the best skill to have is to be able to understand people. It can help so much in the future. People skills people skills people skilss. Yeah yeah yeah. MAybe I should write a song.
I better go, time for marching band