Fear is nothing but fear itself.
what a dumb line.
Fear is alot more than that. It is a problem, physical and emotional. It interfears with everyday life, and is apart of it as well. We can't just ignore it because that would be useless. It would still be there and it would grow in our subconciences. Like everyone says we need to face our fears. That really works. try it out sometime. well I have fears of my own to face....Peace out
Time for my randomness:
The human race is overall pretty shy. No really, think about it. We have all of these private things because we like to keep to ourselves. i mean there would be few people who would interact with people if we werent forced to (aka work, school, etc.). What's really confuses me is that even though we don't like to share alot of our info, we marry each other.
Man, I wishgirls were easier to fgure out. Wait, I take that back. making them easier to figure out would take the fun out of life. Oh and I love this guys story. He has a girlfriend and I wanted to know how this happend. So he starts his story by saying that they had known eachother for a whole month! Wow that's along time. anyway last weekend he asked her out and she said yes. Wow! talk about moving it quickly! heh peace.